Dear Sports fans, On the extraordinarily rare occasion that I - TopicsExpress


Dear Sports fans, On the extraordinarily rare occasion that I pay any attention to sports, the fun of watching the game is always overshadowed by the endless sea of crap pouring out of select fans on Facebook. Ive prepared a short list of tips for you. This is not targeted toward any select group of fans. 1.) I am not the fan you saw on the TV. If you have a problem with the way that fan conducted himself, feel free to hire a P.I. to track him down and present him with a letter expressing your dissatisfaction with his behavior. Dont act as though that one moron is a representation of every fan. The same goes toward blasting religions or political parties based on one person or one small group of people. I would go so far as to say a post saying something like Did you guys see that moron who threw his boxers on the field? Would be okay as long as you stop before saying, Such and such fans are so dumb, they all throw their boxers on the field and they should be evicted from there homes and forced to live on the street. 2.) If I do for some strange reason post something about my team. Positive or negative. Most of the time the goal there is to express my excitement or disappointment. Theres no reason to rain on my parade or rub salt in my wound. Suppose I said something like Im so relieved I passed that last math test. Appropriate responses include Good Job Im happy for you I hope I can pass mine. Inappropriate responses include I bet you fail your final though Whoop dee doo, that was an easy test anyways, you still suck at math and I hope your dog gets hit by lighting nerd. 3.) Real life and online conversations are very different. I love trash talking with my buddies in the real world. Some of you need to realize Facebook is not real life though. You can get away with a lot of things in real life by smiling and laughing that you cant get away with online. Theres also a much broader audience online. Even if you do regularly call your closest friend some rude derogatory things when youre playing Call of Duty in your man cave, he probably wouldnt want his mother and all of his friends to watch those interactions. If youre friend stays classy online and doesnt get right in there trash talking back at you, it leaves you looking like a jerk who likes to say hateful things on peoples posts. 4.) Finally, different strokes for different folks. Maybe you have a few buddies who you can trash talk it up in the comments section with and still be fine. Dont assume every person on your friends list feels that way. If your only interactions with me are rude comments you shouldnt be surprised when I delete you. Likewise, your status updates show up to everyone on your friends list. If you know for a fact it will deeply offend half of them, maybe you should reconsider posting it. Disclaimer: The above is merely a list of suggestions. If sports means so much to you that you dont have a problem losing friends over your vicious attacks to broad people groups then feel free to carry on. Please bare in mind, sports is not a matter of right or wrong, life and death or any of these other great debates with which it is our purpose as human beings to seek out the answers to. If I like bacon and you dislike bacon it doesnt mean we cant be frien... well, bad example. If I like frosted flakes and you like cheerios, if its so important that every time I say something about frosted flakes you have to bring up cheerios and put down my breakfast decisions, maybe we shouldnt talk cereal.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 00:24:59 +0000

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