Dear Supporters, We write this letter with both heavy and happy - TopicsExpress


Dear Supporters, We write this letter with both heavy and happy hearts. We had asked you to partner with us, and pray that we would know God’s will and leading in our lives. Thank you so much for your prayer support! When we returned from CA in April we did not have a clear direction of where God was leading us. We continued to make phone calls and schedule meetings. We thought our schedule was set for the summer. The Lord had other plans, and showed us this with a phone call. We then found ourselves at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp. God used this time to show us His will regarding our future ministry. After much prayer and counsel, we are confident God is leading us to a position at Victory Ranch Baptist Camp (GARBC) in Moreno Valley, CA. The short story is that Paul Cayot (camp director) has kept in contact with us since we left CA, gently urging me to come and work with him. I finally decided to call and ask for a job description of the position. Paul then informed me that the current Foreman had just resigned that day! This was in June. We then moved from IRBC to Camp Fairwood, and there we were able to speak with our Pastor, and continue to test this leading in our lives. After researching the camps policy’s and constitution, and with more prayer, we sent our application to Victory Ranch. We were offered the job of Ranch Forman, which includes housing and a salary. We have accepted this position and are resigning from CBM. God has shown Himself to us many times through this time of waiting, and through this process, how He is always faithful in all things, and in how He has prepared not only our hearts, but also those of our family and friends, giving us a peace in our hearts we did not have before now. As we look back, we can see how God has led in each step of our lives, deputation process, and ministry, to this new ministry opportunity. We do look at this position as ministry. It will be a ministry to camp staff, campers, our new church family, our son and daughter-in-love. Lord willing, we will leave for CA on Aug. 11th. If you would like our new address pm me.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 18:38:50 +0000

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