Dear Terrorists, By now youve probably heard that a French - TopicsExpress


Dear Terrorists, By now youve probably heard that a French policeman defending Charlie Hebdos offices was Muslim, and you killed him. You probably also found out that the commander of the raid which led to the deaths of two of your own was also a French Muslim. And that a French Muslim, working at the kosher market, rushed employees to safety, and gave police vital information--leading to the end of that standoff. It must really, really piss you off to know that while you are trying to drive a wedge into our diverse societies, and keep the clash of civilizations going, we are doing our best to stop you. And were going to keep doing it. We will fight you in word and in deed. We will become more engaged, more active, and more critical members of our societies. We Muslims will only come out this stronger. Because your evil has forced us to do more, to say more, to work harder, to be more educated, to be more effective. You are authors of your demise. Because we are not going to let you win. After 9/11, a lot of young Americans who wouldve never gone into media, into law, into policy, into government, into journalism, into ministry, did--and made America stronger as a result. And our communities are flourishing as a result. And the same will happen in France--youll see. There will be more Ahmeds and more Lassanas. There will be more and more of us. We will break like waves over you, and break you. Because we are not going to let you win. And when you have been broken, we will take our religion back from you, wholly and entirely, and pass you into the dustbin of history, a footnote from a dark age. Because you have already lost. - Haroon Mughal
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:29:12 +0000

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