Dear family and friends, Today, November 11th, is a federal - TopicsExpress


Dear family and friends, Today, November 11th, is a federal holiday - rejoice. It also happens to be Veterans Day, a day originally designated to commemorate those who had made it through the Great War, but I wont bore you with details – which Id probably be pulling from wikipedia either way, but it now serves to celebrate veterans for their service to the country. Surely youve read articles about not thanking a veteran (you shouldnt if you dont get it), about not considering veterans heroes (Im not one, but I know many), and maybe even an article from a Republican Senator inquiring on how they could make payments to veterans leaner (see, friends, there are assholes on both sides of the aisle), and even some articles wishing us ill (1st Amendment and all that), and the ones claiming were looking for a handout (sometimes we are) – well, other than ranting, Id like to propose you do something today: As youre going about your day, if you were to stumble upon a veteran, shake their hand or give them a hug, or if youre not into that, at least talk to them for 3 minutes, learn a thing about them. If you see them in need, buy them something to eat, if theyre in distress please have them call (or you call for them) 1-800-273-8255, theyll get the help they need. If they have a skillset you can use, offer them a job or refer them to someone who can offer them a job. Most importantly, be human – there are very few things in life as gruesome as experiencing and waging war, and while they may not have done so because you sent them, America did and off they went to a war in a distant place. So, you see, Veterans Day, should be a celebration that we are all human, that someone sacrificed themselves for the country, because those in power sent them off to do so, and they came back – celebrate their life, celebrate humanity. Semper Fidelis
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:02:59 +0000

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