Dear friends, I am writing this from the saftey of my - TopicsExpress


Dear friends, I am writing this from the saftey of my trailer/office. My husband came down with a cold, and the child is now also ill with her first cold. I spent the night sleeping on the floor by her crib, listening to her snuffling breaths, her body tossing and turning, and assuring her that I was there when she cried out in her soft little voice, Momma? My husband is shuffling around with a glazed look in his red-rimmed eyes and a handful of Kleenex clutched in his sweaty hands. Occasionally I hear moans and sneezing and coughing from the direction of the den. I have been feeding him antiviral pills, Vitamin C, Echinacia Tea, and Miso Soup. The child is alternating between manic bursts of energy ( probably from the organic orange juice!), and cranky moments of neediness where she screams CUDDLE! CUDDLE, MOMMY! CUDDLE! while we do our best to clean her constantly running nose and teach her to blow ( she doesnt quite have that yet.) So far I am not showing symptoms, but I fear my turn is coming. Pray for me. Chevy
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:39:14 +0000

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