Dear friends.... LONG TIME NO SEE! It certainly has been a - TopicsExpress


Dear friends.... LONG TIME NO SEE! It certainly has been a while since my last post and Im sorry for keeping you in so much suspense (I am alive, glory to God!). There definitely has been a lot of stuff that has happened since August 4th (last time I posted something) I cant begin to tell you all the things Ive learned and all the adventures Ive had in the last month or so. Yuh know, sometimes Ill see different advertisements for a new movie coming out or a breaking headline and Ill laugh to myself. Thinking If they only knew... the world advertises being entertained by watching somebody elses adventure, yet I get to have one of my own everyday. And the adventures God takes me on seem so much more exciting! But nevertheless, Im kinda mad at myself. Im mad because I waited to come to Australia before having crazy adventures. Many times I depended on church leaders to get me to that spot where I was READY to be apart of miracles. I didnt realize that miracles happen no matter if youre ready or not. It doesnt matter where you are or what your title is, whether your title is Pastor, Youth Pastor, Worship leader, prayer warrior, or my personal favorite, the simple church attendant. God can and will use us ALL to do BIG things. And when I say BIG, I mean BIG. In the past month... yes, in a FIRST WORLD country, Ive seen a crippled person walk, and do it gracefully I might add. Ive seen someone with a life long back problem have all pain leave and their back completely restored to its proper form. Ive seen dozens of youth come to Christ and EVEN MORE get physically healed (many werent even Christian). And all in a first world country. I dont know why, but I assumed that I had to wait till a slum in Asia or a tribe in Africa to see the lame walk and the blind see. I thought casting out demons was a horror movie suspense scene and spiritual warfare was never physical. I thought wrong. Cause Ive seen it all, Ive been apart of it all while. And the best part is, it was the doubters who healed bad backs, broken bones, and huge gashes in the skin. It was two month old Christians that cast out demons and raged in spiritual warfare. It was the 18 year olds who spoke in tongues and prophesied. When I read the verse (Matthew 17:20) about how if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can move mountains and nothing will be impossible for you I used to get discouraged. I used to think that faith was hard to get, that it was hard to achieve because I cant move mountains so I must not have any faith. But now I know, Jesus didnt mean that faith was hard to gain or that we had to muster up a lot of it. But instead, that it doesnt take much to be apart of a miracle. That maybe, God actually is craving for us to take part in the impossible with Him, more than we ever desired to do it ourselves. If someone were to ask me: What have you learned on DTS so far? I would say this. God wants us more than anything else in the world. He craves a relationship with us. He longingly desires us to speak with Him more then we could ever want Him to speak to us. But most importantly Ive learned this, God never has small plans, because Hes not small. And what I mean by that, is that we ALL are destined for BIG things. That no matter where youre at on your Life Timeline He will ALWAYS have big plans at your door step. Because God will never takes His promise of LIFE away from you. It never passes, no matter how many mistakes we have made or how far we have deviated from the course God has given us, WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE A HORIZON. We will always have a future. And I dont want you to think that stupid line some pastors use about saying that stacking chairs after Church is as important as giving the sermon. NO, I mean that God has a mega craving for YOU to HEAL THE SICK, for YOU to SPEAK IN TONGUES, for YOU to CONVERT THE LOST, for YOU to actually LIVE LIFE. That one day people would be excited to direct a movie about YOUR LIFE! And thats my special prayer for all of you. That maybe, just maybe, one day there would be Average Church goers Cedar Rapids Adventures instead of just Andrews Australian Adventures. Could it be that one day WE would produce the miracle stories, that one day, perhaps very soon, a headline would read: LIGHT from CEDAR RAPIDS, IA instead of: DARKNESS FROM IRAN AND IRAQ. Could it be that God wants to do even more in our time, with our generations (Old, Middle, & Youth) then He has ever done in history. Is it possible to heal Cedar Rapids, is it possible to bring every single soul in Linn-County to Christ? Is it possible for St. Marks or whatever Church you go to be incredibly parallel to the FIRST CHURCH? Is it possible to actually do what Jesus taught us? Well, I guess the answer to all those questions is one of two words. But you decide, and when God calls, which He has been doing since you were born you will have to say one of two words. Because no theologian, no Bible College graduate, no Pastor, Pope, or Saint knows the answer to those questions above. Only you do, because only you get can decide how you will answer His call. So what will you say? YES or NO?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:40:34 +0000

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