Dear friends and family, it is extremely rare for me to request - TopicsExpress


Dear friends and family, it is extremely rare for me to request prayer for myself, as I realize there are a great number of people out there with needs much greater than mine. But I do want to ask you to remember me in your prayers. Due to potential legal litigation, I have kept an incident that happened to me relatively quite over the past few weeks. However, I can briefly give you a description of what happened and the reason I covet your prayers. On June 16, just north of Nashville, I became the victim of an intentional act of road rage by a driver of a semi-truck. I was driving a small Scion IQ, and was rammed in the back of the car by the truck, which spun the car around and was being pushed with increasing speed down the interstate sideways. I so much remember the squealing of the tires, the smell of burnt rubber, all the while air bags are going off in the car. At the end, only by divine intervention, my car became free from the front of the truck, and I spun around basically out of his way and he passed me by. He did stop. Long story short, it didnt go down as a traffic accident but he was charged with a felony for aggravated assault and jailed. The more intricate details will probably come out in court. However, the incident left me with a very sore and stiff back and neck. X-rays were done immediately after the incident, and no vertebrae seems to be damaged. Ive been in physical therapy anywhere from 2 to 3 times a week to work on my back issues, but just this past week, I had a major setback with my lower back leaving me with the inability to do anything. I had to resort to a cane to assist my mobility. This comes at a time when we have moved into our new home, and much of the remodel work was to be accomplished by Joe and I. However, I found out Saturday that I cant even use a hammer to pull a small finish nail without intense back pain. I know this is causing an excessive amount of stress due to feeling like I can no longer do much, and the depression that comes along with it. Now, outside of our budget, we are having to hire help to complete the remodel we intended to do. We feel though we have a good price for finishing with all the required painting and sheetrock work left to do, so there is some relief there. It appears, our scheduled completion date will be much longer than desired, so living in these conditions is somewhat stressful as well. I just ask you to pray for the mental and physical strength to see this through to the end. I have a few issues with emotions when forced to drive now on the interstate. I drive with continual fear that someone may decide Im not driving fast enough and worries me when someone follows closely behind. Even the flashing lights of a TDOT truck causes me some anxiety. Different situations driving causes me different feelings of anxiety. I KNOW my God is able, I just ask you to intervene on my behalf. I love you all!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:58:20 +0000

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