Dear friends in England, in Wales, in North of Ireland. Know that - TopicsExpress


Dear friends in England, in Wales, in North of Ireland. Know that we LOVE YOU. Voting yes today is not a vote to get rid of you. Were not going anywhere, were evolving. We want to take you with us and this is the best way to do it. Westminster wont let us change the system, and we need to do it *fast* because the world is quite literally on the brink. This is not a decision we take lightly, weve been discussing and reading and questioning for years now. We need local governance across the whole world, because the whole concept of nation states isnt fit for purpose in this global context. Right now Westminster are committing to signing away our sovereignty in the TTIP, joining with USA and Europe to give big money corporations the right to undermine our democracy and hold us ransom to their profit imperatives. Were not leaving you, were galvanising, and were galvanising you too. Look at this statement from Compass: This is what we want, we want equality, justice, a social compact. You need to put your own oxygen mask on before you can help others. This is the only oxygen mask going... Look at what George Monbiot, John Harris and Suzanne Moore are saying in the Guardian: theguardian/commentisfree/2014/sep/17/scotland-velvet-revolution-english-british-independence-referendum Were trying to give you democracy back. Were trying to give the power back to the people. I dont know how this vote is going to go, but if its a No, its going to be a hell of a lot harder and a hell of a lot longer if we EVER manage to make this change. The playwright, Peter Arnott is right to be worried about the retribution from Westminster ... DONT BELIEVE THE TELEVISION, DONT BELIEVE THE HEADLINES We love you and we want to bring you with us, this is the only way. NOW, you push, you fight, create your own movement, use us as your example, let democracy spread! Love from a YES voter. (edit: excellent words in the guardian from Adam Ramsay too: the vote on independence isn’t just about escaping Westminster’s supercharged neoliberalism – though it offers that chance too. There’s also a different story of the modern age here: the network v the hierarchy. Do Scots want to huddle behind the clumsy, centralised British bureaucracy, or join the network of nations? Now the age of empires is over, do we want to stay on a Titanic, which once brutally ruled the waves? Or is it time to join Europe’s flotilla of more human-sized countries, more responsive to each of our needs, but capable of huddling together in a storm? theguardian/commentisfree/2014/sep/18/scotland-yes-campaign-voting-british-state )
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 10:56:05 +0000

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