Dear reader, I am an Iranian, U.S. permanent resident. I used - TopicsExpress


Dear reader, I am an Iranian, U.S. permanent resident. I used to be bus driver of the city of Mesa,Az and student at MCC. I believe that my life has been a part of a big conspiracy and also I saved the world from World war III and president Bush’s life during his presidency. On the 9th of january 2002, I felt strange things were being to happen that changed the future of the world. I noticed that my fathers behaviour had been changed and it seemed that somebody else was talking to me. He told me that kissinger and his scientists have plan for 100 years of the world and tiny people like you can’t change that plan and FBI are just a bunch of simple cops. That night I left my home and in the morning I went to two police stations and then to INS office to talk to an FBI agent. After we talked he said that we don’t have such power and it is the lord’s act! After that I left Arizona to California to talk to more powerfull FBI. On my way to California, I saw two U.S. fighters were flying toward California. After I entered California, I felt some people were following me and some were acting strange. I thought they put a bomb under my car’s dashboard, so I left my car by the highway and moved to find the federal building. Finally in the morning I found a 17 story federal building, but the black girl who was working there told me that I should return to my city and talk to police. On my way I saw two people that were talking about some one that they can not prove that he was behind something and he is everywhere, I asked them Are you FBI agents? and they told me that they were n’t FBI agent that day and we laughed. Afterwards I started to march on the streets and block the traffic for several minutes. That night I saw drivers were driving mad, after I told a black guy that Cyrus the great saved jews, city backed to normal situation. Later I entered downtown Los Angeles and that area wasnt normal. I heard some people(specialy some women) were screaming, it seemed they intended to make a movie and city was full of strang people! Hours later California Highway Patrol took me from the highway to their station. There were several people and one of them said because of him it isn’t going to be another “conair” and when we were leaving there one of them asked me are you one of 21 high jackers?, I said what? and he replied just joking!. They took me to hospital then from there to an institute for 2 weeks. I returned to Mesa. One of those days when me and my father were talking he told me that they killed Kennedy then they killed 50 others to cover up who had ordered. After strange things continued to happen I left my home to San Diego. Highway police caught me on the highway and in their office they were asking questions I was explaining them what has happened. One of them whispered “conspiracy” and two of them at same time said “snipers”. It seemed they could hear some voices and they said they were talking about video games. I remembered kennedy’s incident, after several hours I entered down town San Diego and went to several official buildings to warn about possible danger to the president bush’s life. It seemed that they were afraid of some invisible power. I went to U.S. navi complex and they called secret service(first they said they were FBI agents). They asked me stupid questions like do hear voices that tell you kill yourself? and other similar questions. They took me to the San Diego county hospital. Then ambulance took me to the Alvardo parkavenue Institute. On the Union day before Bush’s speech, in a group talk after I said that I love Jesus, someone told me that Jesus died for you. After I went to San Diego for the first time, they got snow after 55 years. One of the scientific satelites crashed onto the surface of the earth and all these happened on the union day. After 3 days I left the institute. Because of the strange situation and that person who FBI agents in Los Angeles mentioned that he is every where, I left U.S.A went to korea and thailand. After several hours of adventures I could leave those countries. I understand that “that lord” is even in Iran and more powerfull than other places.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:14:03 +0000

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