Death, Depression, and raw human emotions.... Since the topic - TopicsExpress


Death, Depression, and raw human emotions.... Since the topic of death is on so many minds right now its appropriate to point out that there is no pain for the one crossing over. When your soul returns to the divine there is more love than you can even imagine. We dont have a feeling like it here on earth but its the most love youve ever felt then magnify that by 50,000....and then some more! Whats hard of course is for the rest of us left to pick up the pieces and to go on without having them physically near us. This we all know. If we can learn anything from this or again be reminded of anything its to appreciate what you have right now because this is a temporary illusion on your souls eternal journey. We are gifted the ability to physically touch and kiss and make love to people we care about. Its a beautiful thing. Next time you go to hug someone or hold their hand really be there. Feel it. Look them in the eye and tell them how you feel. Say it with your words and your eyes. Get off your phone and truly have the human experience of connecting both physically and emotionally. Again, we are shown that no amount of money or fame can make you happy. My heart goes out to him as he struggled with depression for decades. Its real. Its no joke and we should all stop saying, how could he do that or I cant believe he did that because it was his free will and a choice that his soul chose and NONE of us will ever know exactly what it was like to be in his shoes. When I was very young I suffered from depression and I know how hard it is to think that there is no hope and it will never get better. I remember being about 10 and looking at other kids who were smiling and laughing and thinking I would give anything to feel like that. 10 years old! Thats about as real as it gets. Luckily for me I was able to shift that reality and escape the chains that so many people are trapped in. This was my journey of awakening. I now understand that I had to experience that to become who I am today and to be able to work with people and truly understand when they are crying and feeling hopeless etc. I was there. I felt it. You cant just snap out of it. This is not something I have ever talked about before but there is no shame because its a real human emotion that takes many lives. I can honestly say Im one of the happiest people I know because of all the work that I have done. Not the bouncing around fake happiness that you see people trying to project. But a real happiness deep within. That doesnt at all mean that I am any better than someone who took their life. It just means my soul took a different path and for that I am grateful. Part of the reason I never bring this up is because its not an issue. Of course I have moments just like every one else but it seems like another lifetime in some respects. The point of this post is that we all go through shit. We all suffer from something at one time or another. It doesnt matter if youre famous or work at Walmart - we are all souls who chose to come here to earth to work through our karma and move towards our dharma. Lets honor and respect a brilliant man for all he did and all he brought to us. Every time we lose someone it snaps is back to the reality that nothing is permanent. Our life as we know it is a just one small part of a multi dimensional soul journey and yes its filled with challenges, struggles, and conflict yet at the same time with beauty, joy, physical contact, and magical emotional connections. If you are struggling and need help please know there is no shame in asking for help. I wrote this for you to show you that it is possible to change your life. Anything is possible. Reach out to someone you trust and ask for guidance. Your angels and guides cant help you unless you ask - thats the free will contract we all set up. I know asking for help is half the battle when dealing with depression or an addiction but if youre reading this still and youre looking for help please take this as your sign that you have so much to offer the world. You are a creative being that can offer something that no one else can. We need you. The world needs you. Feel your heart and take a deep are a gift and thank you for continuing to shine your light upon us. The divine in me honors the divine in you. - Danielle
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:32:22 +0000

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