Death: Lifes Greatest Illusion. Thank you all for your kind - TopicsExpress


Death: Lifes Greatest Illusion. Thank you all for your kind reception to my first post. Rest assured I realise there were a couple of spelling errors, the result of big fingers and small I Phone keys. Ive only recently joined the technological age and Im still finding my feet. You may ask what credentials I have for such a post and to be honest I have none. Im only a messenger of the information you receive here, not its origin. It is my hope that the essence of whats written doesnt get lost amongst my shortcomings as both a writer and a human being. Lets begin; Yesterday was not just another day at the office. There was something in the air so to speak. The only thing my morning meditation revealed was to stay present. I arrived at the coffee shop by mid-morning and bid the staff a customary hello. The barista stepped behind the machine and prepared himself to make my coffee. Im not having a coffee today, I inform him. Today Ill have a green tea. Are you feeling ok? he asks. Feeling dandy. I walk outside and take my seat. Ten minutes pass and my tea still hasnt arrived. There was a rush of police officers from a nearby station and my green tea got lost in the commotion. Pity they dont sell doughnuts. Several more minutes pass and I feel myself growing frustrated. Its not about the tea. I find it hard to start writing before I take my first sip of warm brew. Its part of my writing ritual. Finally, a waitress notices me sitting there like someones just shot my dog. She apologises for the delay and brings be a large jug of water as compensation. I pour myself a cup and take a sip. Its not the same. Two glasses of water later and my tea still hasnt arrived. Ive been forgotten. My ego is about to have a field day with this when I notice a long, black funeral car stopped at the lights. Im not the only one who notices it. Several other patrons stop their conversations as the car idles by. We all avert our eyes as the coffin comes into view.The uneasy silence continues for a few seconds longer and is not broken until the car is out of sight. It seems nobody likes to be reminded of their own mortality. Now I dont care about the tea. I begin to think about death and why nobody wants to acknowledge it, even though its one of lifes few inevitabilities. It seems to be a taboo topic. How is it that a civilisation so caught up in war and self destruction can get squeamish and the very mention of the D word? Its like a surgeon who faints at the sight of blood. We seem to have no problems watching a guy being beheaded on You Tube but bring up death in polite company and watch everyone run for the hills. Why is this the state of play? We fear all things we dont understand I tell myself. I remember my morning meditation. Stay present. I search for stillness and the universe heeds my request. I close my eyes and open the channel between myself and The Source of Infinite Wisdom and I begin to receive. When I open my eyes I see the water and smile. The answer Id been waiting for sits patiently inside the jug. Water has many forms yet its essence never changes. It sits before me in liquid form and this is how most of us experience it. Finally, my tea arrives on cue. There is steam streaming out of the pot. Water in yet another form. As I watch the steam merging with the air around it I realise that nothing has really changed except its appearance. Its still two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen. A young lady on the next table orders and Ice coffee and I am reminded of water in its third form. It is then that I realise that Who we are can never die, it can only change form. The fear of death is only an illusion that can stop us from really living if we let it. Peace.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 04:59:35 +0000

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