Deborah Silver, Treasurer This year’s treasurer’s race - TopicsExpress


Deborah Silver, Treasurer This year’s treasurer’s race isn’t about party politics, it’s about audit reports. I’ve been a certified public accountant for 32 years. As a CPA, I’m required to undergo continuing education and peer reviews that keep me up to date on the accounting rules and ethical standards that have to be explained to the incumbent on a regular basis. And as a former auditor myself, I’m trained to understand an audit. The unbiased reports created by the state’s non-partisan Legislative Services Office show that Ron Crane habitually undermines the accuracy of financial statements, breaches his fiduciary duties and uses our taxes for his personal gain. In the business world, there is no question: Mr. Crane would be fired for the audits’ findings. Don’t let Mr. Crane tell you spending $10,000 on limousines saved the state money. What the audit report says is that Mr. Crane made taxpayers foot the bill for his family’s limo rides New York City. If four out of eight people in a limousine are the treasurer’s friends and family, Idaho shouldn’t pay for their ride. When auditors discovered Mr. Crane used a state gas card for his commute to work, he claimed he could have used a state-owned vehicle that cost even more. But the Legislature closed that option to Mr. Crane before he handed an $8,000 bill to taxpayers. The audit showed Mr. Crane couldn’t verify any business use for the charges. The audit reports also show Mr. Crane breached fiduciary duty when he forced state taxpayers to pay more than $20 million over market value for underwater assets. The 2013 Internal Control Report explains why his concern for credit ratings doesn’t excuse this breach and shows how his other excuses are less than truthful. Mr. Crane still hasn’t complied with the auditors’ request to perform a review that would determine if more transfers took place that potentially cost taxpayers millions more. I’ve offered to perform this review myself, but Mr. Crane has denied my public records requests for the necessary documents. Only a change at the ballot box will set this matter straight. This election, Idahoans will be offered an opportunity to vote for a candidate that will serve as an honest steward of their tax dollars. My experience as a CPA has given me the training and integrity necessary to perform the duties of treasurer. Idaho needs a professional in the treasurer’s office, not a politician. Please vote for me Nov. 4.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:17:55 +0000

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