Deceit... teachable moment how the government enslaves - TopicsExpress


Deceit... teachable moment how the government enslaves you... 1) The government causes a drought. 5 years of water reserves was ordered by a Leftward judge to be dumped into the Pacific Ocean. 2). Make it painful. Blame the 10% increase of food on the drought despite our food coming from MANY other sources. This will, of course lead to Middle Class food stamp DEPENDENCY on the ruling class. 3) Blame the drought on Global warming. Make policy that strangles the flow of energy. Crush the Middle Class with high energy prices, until they beg to transfer all resources to Federal ownership. All other private property will follow. 4) Enjoy your serfdom, and ask the Duke for permission to use your air conditioning. MORE Government is always the answer to government caused problems. Oh... and 5) They can use this as an excuse to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars, under the guise of improving the aging water transport infrastucture where the money is laundered to prop up unions and failed benefit programs. How old are the functioning aqueducts of the Roman Empire?
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 02:18:47 +0000

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