December 7 God made two great lights – the greater light to - TopicsExpress


December 7 God made two great lights – the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. Gen 1:16 (NIV) On the 4th day, “God made two lights, the larger to take charge of Day. The smaller to be in charge of Night; and he made the stars... God saw that it was good.” (MSG) We all love day-time. So much is achieved in its warmth. Vision is clear and life radiates from the heavens. With the rising of the sun, darkness flees and all can be seen and known. But the sun moves on, the light fades, darkness settles and the moon shines down upon the earth as a candles flame. Not much can be seen, the cool night air is mysterious, and one couldn’t be blamed for thinking that ’night seasons’ are more treacherous than the day. God created day AND night and deemed them BOTH good. We need the night just as much as we need the day. And although there is more mystery to the dark, it doesn’t mean that it’s inherently bad. Both the Sun AND the moon play important roles in life... If you’re in a ’night season’, if you can’t see your way forward, if it’s cold and quiet and dark, don’t despair... God is with you. His words surround you. The sun will rise on you again, but in the meantime, CHOOSE to see the beauty in the twilight. Not only has God given you the moon to shine upon you in seasons of darkness, He has also given you the stars... Martin Luther King Jnr said, “Only in darkness can you see the stars.” Don’t close your eyes in fear, but look up! Behold the wonder of the stars and heavens that can only be witnessed during the darkness of night. Sara Williams wrote, “Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” Add to that this quote from Frederick Buecnher… “Life is grace. Sleep is forgiveness. The night absolves. Darkness wipes the slate clean, not spotless to be sure, but clean enough for another days chalking.” Although the night seasons of your life are darker, quieter, colder, a little scarier and less productive, don’t discount what God is doing. Don’t allow fear to overwhelm your senses and blind you from the beauty around you... where the stars twinkle and the moon shines in brilliance... and remember, it’s the darkness of night that makes the sunrise spectacular...
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 07:17:53 +0000

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