December 8,2015 THE HOLY BIBLE Being able to recognize how - TopicsExpress


December 8,2015 THE HOLY BIBLE Being able to recognize how God speaks,is a crucial thing for every human to know. There are a number of ways in which God speaks. The most important and only infallible way that God speaks to people is through the Holy Bible. Even though the writers of the Bible were not infallible,te inspired words and teachings of the Bile, the Holy Scriptures,are. The Bible to the Christian is the Word of God. It is God communicating His thoughts to you through the printed page. 1.ONLY TOTALLY TRUE AND RELIABLE SOURCE God has,through the inspired words of the Scriptures,revealed that the Bible is the only totally true and reliable source of knowing Gods thoughts. 2 Timothy 3:16 Every Scripture is God breathed given by His Inspiration and is profitable for instruction,for reproof and conviction of sin,for correction of error and discipline in obedience,and for training in righteousness. (amplified version) All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make realize what is wrong in our corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.(NLT) If you want to know and live Gods will,you must have your thoughts, purposes,and actions filled with and obedient to the teachings of Gods Holy Scriptures.(Joshua 1:8) No book other than the Bible contains total truth from God. The Hindu writings,Buddhas teachings, the book of Mormon and other religions written teachings (though they contain some noble aims such as helping other people) were not inspired by God.they are human opinion s about God. The BIBLE is Gods revelation of Himself through the writings of the prophets,Apostles and other writers of the Old and New Testaments. Observation: Some Church going people dont give the Holy Scriptures a high place of importance in their lives. They argue that the Scriptures are no more important than the writings of theologians or philosophers and the books of other religions. This is wrong. Jesus and the apostles never relied on the teachings of theologians or philosophers or the religious experiences of other persons as the authority and basis of their teachings. 2. BIBLE AS THE FINAL AUTHORITY It is clear in the New Testament that Jesus and the Apostles constantly quoted the Old Testament Scriptures as their source of Authority and the Gospel and the book of Acts and see how many times Jesus and the Apostles quote the Old Testament Scriptures. The Apostles also regarded every word of Jesus as later recorded in the New Testament as being the Word of God. Look at Jesus words about the importance of the Scriptures. He said in Matthew 5:17-18 *.Do not think that I come to do away with the law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them,but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the law will be done away with,not until the end of all things. (Good News Version) *. Dont misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prohets. No, I came t accomplish their purpose. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of Gods law will disapper until its purpose is achieved.(NLT) NOTE: JESUS stated forcefully that if a man-made religious openion or theory or teaching conflicted with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures,then this religious openion or teaching was wrong. Mark 7:5-8 So the pharisees and teachers of religious law asked Him, why dont your disciples follow our age old tradition? They eat without first performing the hand washing ceremony. Jesus replied, You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesies about you,for he wrote, These people honor me with their lips,but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man made ideas as commands from God. For you ignore Gods law and substitute your own tradition. 3. PAULS ATTITUDE The Apostle Paul words also reveal how everyone should regard the Holy Bible. He said in Romans 15:4 GNV - For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction,that by our steadfast and patient endurance and the encouragement drawn from the Scriptures, we might hold fast and cherish hope. NLT - Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us.and the Scripture give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for Gods promises to be fulfilled. Paul actions show that he used the Scriptures as his source of doctrine and teachings. Acts 17:2-3 Look ho strictly Paul stuck to the Scriptures as his final authority in deciding which religious teachings were from God and which were merely human openion! Paul even corrected the other Apostles if they followed any man made religious teaching in preference to the teachings of the Old Testament and Jesus on the matter. In Galatians 2:11-13 when Paul at Antioch with the Apostle Peter: ( Paul rebuke Peter about it.) Here Peter was followi g the man made religious teaching of some Jewish Christians who foolishly mixed Biblical teaching with Pharisee tradition. This tradition stated that no Jew should enter or eat in the house of a non Jew. This teaching was not sanctioned by the Old Testament or Jesus. 4. UNCONDITIONAL OBEDIENCE TO LEADERS Pauls actions show that he would not listen to the theachings of the highest religious leader in the country,if that leader was teaching and acting in a way that was contrary to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. (See Acts 23:1-5 Paul reaction to the jewish high priest) Note: The office of the High Priest had set up by God in the time of Moses in Lev.21:10-15 and in Ex.28:1-30. God had made the position of High Priest o be the Highest religious authority in acient Israel. But the High Priest in Jesus time and in Pauls time rejected many of the teachings of the Scriptures that related to Jesus, rejected Jesus himself and refused to be born again of God the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 26:3-4, 57- 68, Acts 5:17-18,27-33, Acts 13:26-34 and Romans 8:9). So Paul rejected their religious authority and taught others to do likewise. In Acts 23:3 Paul calls the high religious leader in Israel a whitewashed wall a hypocrite. 5. THE APOSTLE PETER Peter also had the highest regard for the Scriptures. 2 Peter 1:20-21 6. JESUS STRONGLY REBUKED PETER Mark 8:31-33 we can see in this passage that Peter mistakenly tried to suggest or do something which was not in agreement with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, Jesu corrected him. Conclusion: If you are truly born again Christian,save by grace through faith , dont ignore the Word of God or the Holy Bible as our final authority. dont think that the Bible will agree what your principle is, but strive to agree and obey what the principle of the Holy Bible is.especially in managing the Church of God.if your principles is man made that is not of God, dont allow that things to happen in the Church of God. Meditation Thank you and God bless In Gods vineyard Pastor Jerry S. Borasca Light House Baptist Church Purok 1,brgy.maslog,sibulan,negros oriental philippines For some questions just text us 09104822881 or email us borascajerry.pastor@yahoo
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:05:23 +0000

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