Decided it was better to be safe than sorry, and my housemates - TopicsExpress


Decided it was better to be safe than sorry, and my housemates drove me to St Joes ER tonight. Chest Xray and CT Scan. Chest Contusion and Concussion - which is good news and what I expected. Nothing to do but rest, ice, Motrin. Great news is theres no internal bleeding or brain swelling and Im gonna be alright. Doc said no intense sports for at least 6 weeks, and to take it easy for awhile. Was amazed at the quickness and overall calmness and care provided at St Joes Emergency Room. I have no insurance, and they didnt even blink an eye, said dont ever let that stop you from coming in and provided me with a financial package- assistance plan provided by The Mary Potter Fund. A lovely nun who back in her time followed the teachings of Jesus, and started her own convent to care for the sick. Fingers crossed. Thanks again for all the love and messages, thank you Daniela for sitting at the ER with me, grateful to go to bed tonight knowing Im just a bit banged up but overall Im A-OK!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:07:17 +0000

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