Decided to update my description so here it goes - If someone - TopicsExpress


Decided to update my description so here it goes - If someone had walked up to me a few years ago and said ‘When you’re 16 you’ll be writing’ I would have laughed and said ‘Yeah right’. If the me that I was years ago could see me now they would be shocked. I never imagined myself to grow up and enjoy writing, I never imagined myself to create these stories and have others read them, enjoy them and want me to write more. I guess it all started when I was 14.I had just started a 2 year course for English and like any 14 year old you’re excited until you actually start the real work and it becomes exhausting and boring to even handle. The problem for me mostly was the close reading and even now I still hate close reading it’s like a slow death. Writing seemed to improve for me, as I had entered my 2nd year old English I was some how excited to write stories. I had began this one story which was about this prisoner who had been sentenced to 7 years in prison. At first I had named this prisoner and made this jail seem like heaven as I had just read this article about this fantastic prison which offered these fantastic services of spa’s and gym’s and so I had based this jail on that. Then I changed it and made it seem old and worn out on the outside but new and untouched on the inside , the prisoner was still named and had a story behind him of why he was there. Again I had changed this idea and by the time I was finished I had been through redraft after redraft and title after title until I came up with my final piece called ‘Sunrise’. Sunrise is about this prisoner ( anonymous) who was sentenced to 7 years in prison, it tells the story of how he lived day by day and how much pain and struggle he went through before he was released. I sent this story to be graded and was awarded a 2 which was credit and the second highest grade but now the whole education system has changed and so these grades no longer exist. Anyways this was the first real story I had written and was proud of because I had got an amazing grade for it which I had never received before. Then it came to the day of the final exam where I had to write another story and this time I wrote it about fear and how the journey of fear could either make you or destroy you and again I was awarded another 2. So my confidence in writing had been lifted and by the time I had received my results I had achieved all 2′s for everything in English which bumped me up to Higher when I entered another course of English. When I said that I wanted to return for another year of English I was only supposed to be doing Intermediate 2 yet my results bumped me up to Higher which meant I was doing something incredibly new and challenging. I was frightened yet excited at the same time but I wasn’t sure whether to go for Higher or stay where I was , I had spoken to my old English teacher and she had told me that she believed I was ready and that I could do this and if it got too challenging I could always move down but she knew I could do it. At first the close reading again really did frightening me as it was incredibly hard and there was no writing paper just essays which made everything worse. Essays weren’t my strong point well actually both of them weren’t. The only thing about the course that excited me was that I had to write a folio piece to send away again which meant I was writing another story, I also had to include an essay along with my writing but I’ll discuss that later. So this writing piece oh wow. I had this one idea which made it difficult because through the course of the year I had written so many redrafts trying to make it perfect but it never was which upset me, by the time I hit June I had done it. Through the ideas of domestic abuse, violence, rape I had finally written the story ‘Child VS Monster – Sarah’s Story’ and wow was that a story. The essay that I sent away with it was about the media and how it was a killer that destroyed lives. A few months after I had sent my writing piece I had heard feedback about it saying that it was very strong, deep and emotional. I was very excited with this feedback as I felt proud that someone had found it that good. So now what? I have finished English fully and will not be returning this year but what about my writing? Well see during the course of my last year I had actually created an account with Wattpad which contains many of my stories and also the book that I am currently writing. So see even though I have finished English that doesn’t mean my writing is finished , English has made me more confident with writing and it isn’t something I can just give up. If someone had to ask me why do I write? Why do you like to write? My answer would be simple – Everyone has a hobbie. Everyone has something they love to do whether it’s dancing, singing, drawing, sports or even watching TV. I love to write because writing is like art. ‘Life is like art without the eraser’ And it’s the same for writing. ‘Life is like writing without the pencil or paper’ You create a story every day whether you see it or not, it’s the people that see that story and write it down that become the writers. Writing for me isn’t just a hobbie it’s an adventure you create in your mind and when you read it over it becomes alive. And that’s why I love to write.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 19:21:55 +0000

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