Deep in the conference center legends pass on through time in all - TopicsExpress


Deep in the conference center legends pass on through time in all its unending progression, from records of shattered plates to enflamed guests cooly quenching the greek fire consuming their coats. I tell the tale of the day the shifts aligned in the scheduals recieved and the dish room saw an event long speculated, but naught witnessed untill this very night. Long had Tim Gridley worked throughout the years and seasons, often in the very dish room in question. Joining his fellow dishwashers he beheld Damon and Jake battling the Salad Plate Rebellion and returning the conquered plates to the plastic chasams where the plates would again rest until they would again do our bidding and bear thier loads happily to the guests. Whence then Mr Gridley then beheld Tim Carrol and Tim Mork returning from delivering cleansed utensils to their appointed homes. It had happend, the Tims were all united in a single shift together untill the end of the night, it was a TIM-PLOSION! Thus did the Dish Room became the TIMNASIUM! The Dinner Plates were captured again in their cages! The Silvery armies of Fork, Knife, and Spoon in their vast multitude were redeemed. The Glass and Mug Legions were sent spinning back sparkling to the waitstaffers, to be restored to their places upon the tables, waiting for thier morning battle. Mount SheetPan was trevassed! The FourIncher Swap navigated! Even the Granite Plains the of the Confectioner Presentatus were left swiftly in the wake of the Timquisition. Soon, all that remained of their passing was the stunned silence of the ventalation fan and the muted shock of the stove light. Verily these five brave souls did
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:33:12 +0000

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