Defense Stratagems (11 points to use) STRONGHOLD STRATAGEMS: - TopicsExpress


Defense Stratagems (11 points to use) STRONGHOLD STRATAGEMS: These are applied to bastions but can be put on other buildings as well. Even if the attacker takes a stronghold, he cannot use the defense stratagem upgrades. Ammunition Store: Once per turn in shooting phase, unit occupying building can re-roll To Hit rolls. 1 point Command Center: Counter-Attack to all friendly units within 6 1 point Power Generator: Once per turn in shooting phase, unit occupying building can re-roll To Wound rolls. 1 point Sacred ground: The closest defending unit to this building counts as being Fearless. 1 point Imposing Edifices: Attacking unit must pass Morale test to assault building. 2 points Turreted Stronghold: Add a 360 degree Battle Cannon to the top of the building. Range 72 STR 8 AP 3 Ordnance, Large Blast 2 points Void Shield: Has an armor value of 12 and any glancing or penetrating hit destorys the shield. HOWEVER, the void shield is UNAFFECTED by Orbital Bombardments. 2 points Fortified Stronghold: Building ignores its first wrecked or explodes result. 3 points OBSTACLE STRATAGEMS: Put obstacles in the way of the assaulting team. Krak Attack: When attacker declares his first Deep Striking unit, the Krak Attack is launched. It AUTOMATICALLY deals D6 STR 6 hits with AP 4 to that unit. For the rest of the game, whenever another unit Deep Strikes, roll a D6. On a 1, this unit also is struck by a Krak Attack. 1 point Las-Maze: Defending player gets 2D6+1 markers which are 6 long (straws or something). You place each of these markers any which way you like as long as each piece touches another. Any non-vehicle unit that passes through these markers incurs a dangerous terrain test. 1 point Minefield: As soon as an attacking unit declares it is running, you can choose to catch them in a minefield. All models must take a dangerous terrain test. After that, the defending player places a 6x 12 area on the board which is an active minefield treated as difficult and dangerous terrain for the rest of the game. 1 point Trench Network: During Orbital Bombardment and the first game turn, every defending unit out in the open gets a 5+ cover save or a 4+ if they go to ground. 1 point Drop Pylons: Defending player Deep Strikes 4 pylon markers onto the field and each must be within 12 of another. Roll for scatter. If any pylon hits a model or a piece of terrain, remove it. When all four pylons are down, they activate and a line is in place from pylon to pylon. If any of these lines go through an enemy unit, remove the pylon closest to that unit. The lines from pylon to pylon are impassible by non-vehicle units. Jump infantry and jetbikes are unaffected and any infantry forces with grenades can diffuse the field and pass through freely. 2 points Force Pylons: Same as drop pylons except these are placed during deployment with no scatter and they are 6 from each other. 2 points DIRTY TRICKS: Just like they sound... Escape Hatch: Hide this choice from your enemy. Pick a building at the beginning of the game and make a note somewhere to show your opponent later. When you choose to play this, show the note to your opponent and place an escape hatch anywhere on the map 18 from the building. For the rest of this game this hatch is treated as another access point to the building. 1 point Drop-Bastion: Deep Strike a bastion onto the field. No upgrades other than 4 heavy bolters. It cannot mishap and it becomes an extra objective as well. It can fire its guns and can be occupied in the turn it arrives. 3 points Drop Zone Denial: Force the attacker to pick a different drop zone. 3 points
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 09:54:55 +0000

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