Defenses are an attack on trust. Moving in life defensively is a - TopicsExpress


Defenses are an attack on trust. Moving in life defensively is a statement of distrust. Grievances justify defenses. One grievance can inspire a cascade of action that continues to give rise to a world /universe of perceived danger, justifying more defenses , until one corners himself in a cage of fear. This is where one finds himself while he perceives a world of danger. This is the result of holding one grievance. I do this to my self. I am mistaken. There is nothing to fear. Reality is never frightening. I have made a dream of a world where limit seems real and fear justified. And I judge based on my perception of this limit, and dont question the validity of my perception and judgement. The foundation of this world I see and act in is grievance- the justification of defenses. This is the opposite of Gods plan. This is the opposite of love. Just as limit is the opposite of what He is and we/I am. Being opposite the truth , this plan is in effect, an attack on Loves plan , Gods plan. This plan gives rise to a world of illusion and until one is ready to let go of all grievance , illusion will seem to rule. And because one defends his /her grievances, he /she is defending illusion and will not see it as such. And Love waits. Love is eternally patient, not bound by time. Love is patient , knowing the outcome as perfect peace and unlimited joy. Love waits in perfect stillness, in perfect trust , trust in me /you because it knows the truth of us as itself. Holding grievances is an attack on Gods plan for salvation. Gods plan is that you know yourself as He made you. Perfect love. Perfect Joy. Unlimited Light. Holy. Kind. Helpful. Perfect. Grievances hides one Self from ones self .
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:20:45 +0000

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