Definite sign someone may not be a good therapist, is when they - TopicsExpress


Definite sign someone may not be a good therapist, is when they say to you I dont know. I guess I just dont know what you want from me. Called and left a message for a therapist, Ellen Wilcock, back in February, and she finally called back several days later. We spoke for about 45 minutes, where after asking me numerous questions (she said she wanted to see if we could connect/be a good match), she hesitantly said she would be willing to see me on a in-home basis, but first wanted me to look into this one program, and get back to her. I then checked into this program, but it turned out it was only for people in another county. Well, being that Im too easily discouraged (fear rejection/things not working out), I procrastinated about calling her back until April (not only because she was already hesitant about seeing me, but also because the program she wanted me to look into, hadnt panned out), and again left a message, but never heard back from her. So, I finally decided to call her again a couple weeks ago, left a message, and she finally called me back a week later. We talked for awhile, but she kept hemming and hawing about seeing me, and then admitted she knew I called back in April, to which I replied That wasnt very professional of you. If you didnt want to see me, it would have been nice knowing that back in April, instead of wasting my time hoping you were still a possibility. Anyway, after agreeing and apologizing, she still continued to hem and haw, and thats when she said I dont know. I guess I just dont know what you want from me., to which I replied Obviously this isnt going to work out. Thank you for your time. Goodbye., and hung up.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 19:02:50 +0000

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