#DefundTheGOP: Glenn reacts to reports John Boehner conspired to - TopicsExpress


#DefundTheGOP: Glenn reacts to reports John Boehner conspired to have Congress exempt from Obamacare If anyone is still on the fence when it comes to supporting the Republican establishment, this latest incident should end the debate. Leaked emails now show House Speaker John Boehner conspired with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to ensure Congress would be exempt from Obamacare. Glenn reacts to the disgraceful news on radio today. WATCH Glenn opened the radio program this morning with a shocking story out of Washington D.C. Yesterday, David Cone, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s chief of staff, leaked a series of leaked emails sent by House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) chief of staff Mike Sommers suggesting there was coordination between the leadership of the House and Senate to get Congress exempted from Obamacare. Get Glenn Live! On TheBlaze TV “This is officially my snapping point. I have had it with John Boehner. I have thought he was not a good guy for a very long time. Not on our side. We all know that. We all know that,” an exasperated Glenn said. “But there’s a difference between not a good guy – not on your side – and somebody who is knifing you in the back. I want to make it very, very clear, John Boehner is knifing you in the back. And there’s no two ways about it.” The leaked emails, which were first reported by Politico, show Boehner worked behind-the-scenes earlier this year to clarify a provision in the Affordable Care Act that would have forced members of Congress and their aides into the Obamacare exchanges. According to Politico: [B]ehind-the-scenes, Boehner and his aides worked for months with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), and others, to save these very same, long-standing [congressional Obamacare] subsidies, according to documents and e-mails provided to POLITICO. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was also aware of these discussions, the documents show. “Now remember, there’s no way for a Republican to get away with saying, ‘I know you have to join Obamacare, but we’re not going to.’ That was one of the things: Make Congress abide by their own laws. Make them feel the pain that they have inflicted on all of us in every shape and form. Make them abide by the same laws.” One the more egregious emails shows Boehner’s office was aware of the political potency of seeking a Congressional exemption, for they discussed how to disguise a planned meeting on the subject with President Obama as a meeting on immigration reform. “So, here is the letter. He writes, or his chief of staff writes to Harry Reid about how they have to get into see the President to save the Congressional subsidies. They need to see the President and do some backroom, off the record, deal,” Glenn explained. “John Boehner’s chief of staff writes, we can’t let it get out there that this is for Boehner and Reid to carve out the requirement of Obamacare. Got it? We can’t let it get out. We have to find some way to get them to the President, quoting, ‘I am even okay if the President is hauling us down to talk about the next steps on immigration. I really don’t care what we say it’s about. It just can’t be about what we know it’s about.’ End quote.” Advertisement The Democratic Party has allowed itself to be overrun by progressives, and Glenn wondered if the Republican Party is now facing a similar fate. “Let me ask the Republicans. Are you as dumb as the Democrats have been because the Democrats allowed the progressives to take over their party,” Glenn said. “Republicans, the evidence is here. John Boehner is a lying thief. He is trying to portray himself as something he is not. You now have the evidence of his chief of staff in bed with Harry Reid saying, ‘Can we bury this? Can’t we just make this happen? Can’t we just keep the subsidies for us while we pretend to fight against them?’ So now it’s up to you. You have the information.” What is the best way to get the Republican Party back on track? Get rid of the so-called Republicans, like John Boehner and others, who are no different than their progressive counterparts on the left. How do you get rid of them? Stop sending the Republican Party money. Glenn created a hash tag to kick start this movement: #DefundTheGOP. Glenn pleaded with the audience to not give another dime to the GOP until the money stops going to people like Boehner, Sen. John Cornyn, Rep. Pete Sessions, Governor Chris Christie, and others. “I guarantee you, John Boehner would step down today, if the big donors would actually come to the plate today and say, ‘I’ve given my last dime to the Republican Party until john Boehner steps down – not as speaker of the house – but resigns. Until that happens, you don’t get a dime from me. Not one dime from me,’” Glenn said. “If everybody who has ever given any money would call their congressman and call GOP Headquarters and say, ‘Don’t you ever ask me for a dime. Don’t you ever send me an email. Don’t you do it.’ There’s step one: #DefundTheGOP.” So what does the future hold for the Republican Party if John Boehner continues to get his way? “I’m pretty good at predicting the future. I’m pretty good at seeing the trends. If you don’t come off of this road now, you are going to have a GOP that is just like the Democrats. And your choice will then be Chris Christie or Hilary Clinton. Which one you want? I don’t want either of them,” Glenn said. “You want a real choice? Good. Right now you can have that. If everybody got on the phone, everybody called John Boehner, Everybody called their representative and said, ‘I’m done with you. You know, you are a good representative but unless you can convince him, you are going to have to step out of your party. I won’t give any of you another dime.’” “You are a steward of your money. You are supposed to do the right thing. Do you really believe giving your money to the GOP and to John Cornyn and to John Boehner to have them decide who is going to protect the Republican freedom [is the right choice],” Glenn asked. “I ask you to pray on it. Do you really think that’s the way to go? These guys are a knife in the back. Not a dime from me. #DefundTheGOP.” glennbeck/2013/10/02/defundthegop-glenn-reacts-to-reports-boehner-conspired-to-have-congress-exempt-from-obamacare/
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 01:08:44 +0000

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