Delaney Cousin Reunion Saturday, July 12th. Saturday, July 12th, - TopicsExpress


Delaney Cousin Reunion Saturday, July 12th. Saturday, July 12th, 2014 - Sept. 9, 1936, yes, 1936 In generations long past, most family members lived within only a few miles or even a few blocks of each other. You were able (or perhaps forced) to interact with all of our extended family daily. Today, thats not the case. Its not unusual for there to be hundreds of miles between relatives and months between phone calls and letters. Or even at all! Staying united as a family is not easy. Following the national trend, our Delaney Cousin family has become fractured over the years. Cousins once very close, no longer even speak. Their children, not even knowing their relations in the next city or even who their grandparents were. Two of the most pivotal events in our family history were the early deaths of Daniel Golden Delaney (46) and Charles Patrick Henry Delaney (49). And later on, the passing of Gordon Michael Delaney (67). Crisis management, and finding alternative means of support became the priority. Busy lives and changing priorities, has led to less interaction between the various family groups. Finally, Family, I am too busy for that. The crack was opened. In fact, weve become strangers. I cannot count the times at the funeral of a loved one (Aunt Dorothy Wagner, David Delaney first come to mind) that cousins would not only express their sorrow, but on how we miss not getting together with our extended family members. Despite assurances, once again, sometime, we would get together again. As with so many good intentions, it has never happened. In fact a full scale Delaney family reunion has not occurred in over thirty years. Sad, but its true. Working on the family history for over 25 years, one of the most interesting news clippings weve encountered is the one where the 3rd Annual Golden family reunion that was held at Lee Center in 1936. Of those listed, members of the Charles A. Delaney family attended. Article mentioned by name, Herbert Delaney, Miss Rosemary Delaney, Miss Mary Faith Delaney, Miss Eleanor Delaney, Jack Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wagner and family. Carrying on the established family tradition, the children of Charles and Marguerite Delaney met regularly. Picnics, card games, even just a cup of coffee occurred. Who could forget all those hot summer days on the various Plato farm locations or the generosity of Aunt Dorothy Wagners backyard and playing in the corn field out back. You werent even around yet? I am sure you have heard all the stories. As in the television show, the Wonder Years our childhood (at least mine was) was an expression of the word family and to a period in time, of belonging. Younger generation? Are you too young to know these things? Mom never told me. Sorry to say, but you really missed out. A raw deal. Blame your parents. But heres a chance for you to connect, to reconnect. Forget the idea, that you wont know anyone there. Ill feel uncomfortable, out of place. Bunch of old people. Dull? Boring. Really strange, strangers. Stranger danger. Who are these people? Bullshit, were family, were the Delaneys. Leave behind your boyfriend, girlfriend, Smartphone, excuses, and commit to learning about your past, your family, to reconnect. While this may seem a short notice for an invitation, trying to make contact today is difficult. Weve tried making contact via the Facebook page Delaney Cousins From Rome New York and from there, through word of mouth. The overall response has been to this page has been overwhelmingly positive. Photos never seen or available for over 40 years are being shared on a daily basis. Nightly chat is commonplace. The banter, back and forth, juvenile. But still even yet, were having difficulty getting firm commitments from many of our Delaney family members for various reasons. Yes, we know we all live busy lives. Excuses like, our former neighbors son tuba recital party is happening that day. Cant miss that! Theyve been best friends forever and ever. Oh no, cant miss our four year olds soccer practice! Her team is up for championships next season. To, No! Cousin Ronnie tossed a cow turd at me 47 years ago and Ill never forgive him. Ever and forever. On June 6th, based on a late night internet chat, we hatched a plan to hold a family reunion this summer. Jackie Plato Smythe and her sister Sheila Plato Meyer will be coming back to Rome. Were also being joined by Sharon Wagner Moffitt. Others include, Drinda Delaney Prichard, Marilyn Delaney Laymon and many, many more. Lisa Lahti, from New Hampshire will be there. Dont know her, dont feel bad, she dont know you either! Time to fix that. Hell, my 93 year old mom, Anna May Delaney, will be at the reunion, whats your excuse? Dont have a clue about any of the above, I really, really, for sorry for you! Whats in it for you? A chance to reconnect. Face it, were not getting any younger. Photos from various collections. Yes, they may be of you or your immediate family members. Photo scanning and sharing. Comfort food. Pictorial family history from Ireland, Vermont - New York (Jackson, Cobleskill, Oneida, Rome) to today. Who knew? Chat. Reminiscing. Love. Did I say food? Put away your excuses, and yes, I mean excuses, and say yes to coming to the reunion. Contact every sibling, half-sibling, aunts, uncles, space-aliens (so long as they are Delaneys) Dont know for sure, bring them anyway, well sort it out. Please tell us you will come. Send us a Facebook IM, post an entry, an email, a telephone call.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:48:42 +0000

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