Dembski, Marks, and company, have extended Conservation of - TopicsExpress


Dembski, Marks, and company, have extended Conservation of Information theorems to show that the insurmountable problem of functional information generation by material processes holds for computers as well: On Algorithmic Specified Complexity by Robert J. Marks II – video paraphrase (All Evolutionary Algorithms have failed to generate truly novel information including ‘unexpected, and interesting, emergent behaviors’) – Robert Marks https://youtube/watch?v=No3LZmPcwyg The Law of Physicodynamic Incompleteness – David L. Abel – 2011 Excerpt: “If decision-node programming selections are made randomly or by law rather than with purposeful intent, no non-trivial (sophisticated) function will spontaneously arise.” If only one exception to this null hypothesis were published, the hypothesis would be falsified. Falsification would require an experiment devoid of behind-the-scenes steering. Any artificial selection hidden in the experimental design would disqualify the experimental falsification. After ten years of continual republication of the null hypothesis with appeals for falsification, no falsification has been provided. The time has come to extend this null hypothesis into a formal scientific prediction: “No non trivial algorithmic/computational utility will ever arise from chance and/or necessity alone.” The fact that computers will never be able to create ‘non trivial algorithmic/computational utility’, (i.e. novel functional information), should not be so surprising. This debate was had, and was settled, years ago between Alan Turing and Kurt Godel. Alan Turing & Kurt Godel – Incompleteness Theorem and Human Intuition – video (with Gregory Chaitin) https://vimeo/92387854 Quote from video: Turing recast incompleteness in terms of computers and showed that since they are logic machines, there would always be some problems they would never solve. A machine fed one of these problems would never stop (halting problem). And worse, Turing proved there was no way of telling beforehand which these problems were.” The Limits Of Reason – Gregory Chaitin – 2006 Excerpt: “an infinite number of true mathematical theorems exist that cannot be proved from any finite system of axioms.”,,, Godel, as reserved and mild mannered as he was, was a bit blunt in his assessment of the situation: “Either mathematics is too big for the human mind or the human mind is more than a machine” ~ Kurt Godel “The brain is a computing machine connected with a spirit.” ~ Kurt Godel “Consciousness is connected with one unity. A machine is composed of parts.” ~ Kurt Godel kevincarmody/math/goedel.html a few more relevant quotes: Algorithmic Information Theory, Free Will and the Turing Test – Douglas G. Robertson – 1999 Excerpt: Chaitin’s Algorithmic Information Theory shows that information is conserved under formal mathematical operations and, equivalently, under computer operations. This conservation law puts a new perspective on many familiar problems related to artificial intelligence. For example, the famous “Turing test” for artificial intelligence could be defeated by simply asking for a new axiom in mathematics. Human mathematicians are able to create axioms, but a computer program cannot do this without violating information conservation. Creating new axioms and free will are shown to be different aspects of the same phenomenon: the creation of new information. “… no operation performed by a computer can create new information.” The mathematical world – James Franklin – 7 April 2014 Excerpt: “the intellect (is) immaterial and immortal. If today’s naturalists do not wish to agree with that, there is a challenge for them. ‘Don’t tell me, show me’: build an artificial intelligence system that imitates genuine mathematical insight. There seem to be no promising plans on the drawing board.”,,, James Franklin is professor of mathematics at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. An Interview with David Berlinski – Jonathan Witt Berlinski: There is no argument against religion that is not also an argument against mathematics. Mathematicians are capable of grasping a world of objects that lies beyond space and time …. Interviewer:… Come again(?) … Berlinski: No need to come again: I got to where I was going the first time. The number four, after all, did not come into existence at a particular time, and it is not going to go out of existence at another time. It is neither here nor there. Nonetheless we are in some sense able to grasp the number by a faculty of our minds. Mathematical intuition is utterly mysterious. So for that matter is the fact that mathematical objects such as a Lie Group or a differentiable manifold have the power to interact with elementary particles or accelerating forces. But these are precisely the claims that theologians have always made as well – that human beings are capable by an exercise of their devotional abilities to come to some understanding of the deity; and the deity, although beyond space and time, is capable of interacting with material objects. tofspot.blogspot/2013/10/found-upon-web-and-reprinted-here.html Verse and Music: Acts 17:28 For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ Shoulders – For King and Country myktis/songs/shoulders/
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:57:53 +0000

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