Democracy ¡s tHe Cancer but Islam ¡s tHe Answer . Now ¡tx - TopicsExpress


Democracy ¡s tHe Cancer but Islam ¡s tHe Answer . Now ¡tx upto peopl of Kashm¡r, what tHey want to choose Canceror Answer . Here ¡ will tell you about tHe cancer, what tHe cancer ¡s !?. Cancer meanx , If you follow All the Puppet part¡es of Kashm¡r & make them as your Heros, and later on they do not g¡ve you a damed sh¡t but , tHey start Killing you after stand¡ng up tHe elect¡ons. tHe Best example years are,,, 2000,2001,2002,2003,................. 2005....... 2008....... 2009.....2010..........2012...2014 Onwords....... as ¡f tHe people of Kashm¡r make them as their heros. We tHe people of Kashm¡r always remember Death Inc¡dent of Afzal Guru.... Death Inc¡dent of Wam¡q Farooq......Death Inc¡dent of Tufa¡l Matto...... Death Inc¡dent of Maqbool Bhat .... Death Inc¡dent of Freedom Leader Sh¡ekh Aziz.... . Death Inc¡dent of Haf¡z Yaaqoob.... ’Death Inc¡dent of Umar Nab¡ .....Death Inc¡dent of Umar Qayoom......Death Inc¡dent of Yasmeen Jaan .......Death Inc¡dent of Innnayath Khan...... Death Inc¡dent of Tar¡q Dar..... Death Inc¡dent of F¡da Nab¡ Lone... & V¡ll¡age Gang Rape ¡n Kunan Poashpora... We hould also remember As¡ya & Nelofar who has been raped by tHe Ind¡an Forces ¡n tHe¡r Homes. And All tHose who has been martrys ¡n the year 2008, 2009 & 2010 , who shot dead by ind¡an forces for tHe case of tHeir freedom .. And now let me tell you about tHe Answer , what tHe Answer meanx !?. Answer s¡mply meanx avoid follow¡ng all tHose Puppet part¡eso of India. Means stay away from these puppet heros, who k¡lls our brothers and s¡sters ¡n our kashmim¡r few years ago & yet they dont want to stop ¡t now. the second po¡nt wh¡ch ¡w¡ll tell you about Islam tHe answer means...., follow tHe Islam¡c part¡es of Kashm¡r wh¡ch are Innocent part¡es of kashm¡r, Who are runn¡ng their compa¡ns of freedom for the people of jammu & Kashm¡r. Best Example are Hur¡yat Confr¡enc (HC)..........! Who th¡nks better about the people of Jammu & Kasm¡r & also about the true future of Kashm¡r, wh¡ch has been snatched out from us & maked just l¡ke Hell by these Puppet part¡es of kashm¡r bcoz they had k¡lled our young brothers & s¡sters of our kashm¡r & now they are cont¡nue on ¡t , they are coñt¡nue on the¡r job to K¡ll People of Jammu & Kashm¡r. Here im try¡ng to make your concern about What Kashm¡r Is Suffer¡ng day to day by the Sa¡d matters, by the Sa¡d Part¡es . S¡mply follow the Answer, Not to make any Blunder aga¡n to make elect¡ons or whatsoevere , as ¡t means your Spread¡ng Cancer ¡n your Kashm¡r. .,...... ........ ........... ....... ........ ....... ..... .... Now ¡tx upto people of kashm¡r what they need to get Cancer or Answer......, What they need to get...,Day to Day K¡ll¡ng or Day to Day Protect¡on . Aga¡n tell¡ng ¡t, that People of Kashm¡r should th¡nk about the¡r future..what they want to get. They should dec¡de the¡r fate from now by mak¡ng the Struggle for freedom. Movie Ha¡der ¡s also the best example about the Freedom Of Kashm¡r atleast we can stand up on our legs to f¡ght back w¡th the enem¡es of Kashm¡r, For our Freedom, For our Kashm¡r. Becoz....,....,........................... «• The Key of resula¡on ¡s ¡n the Hands of People of Kashm¡r....! To Accept the Const¡tut¡on of Ind¡a or To F¡ght Back w¡th them for case of Freedom • » Now tHe Kashm¡r¡ People have only Two ways to dec¡de the¡r fate & future, To come out from these matters & from these Bl¡nd Rules & Regulations of Ind¡a. ” 1st ¡s to ↓→→→ F¡gHt Back ←←←↑ And tHe 2nd ¡s →→→ To make Elect¡onx ¡n Kashm¡r/ meanx To Accept tHe Const¡tut¡on of Ind¡a ←←←↑. ”
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:52:10 +0000

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