Den franske ekonomen Thomas Piketty kommer till Almedalen i - TopicsExpress


Den franske ekonomen Thomas Piketty kommer till Almedalen i början av veckan – ett genidrag av S och LO – och kommer att stjäla en hel del av den uppmärksamhet som svenska makthavare hade gärna tillskansat sig själva. Har man inte läst Piketty, men vill ändå hänga med i diskussionen bortom enkla slagord, är det bra att känna till vad Pikettys arbete handlar om. Här en bra och djuplodande introduktion från LBR: »Investigated rather than ignored, Marxist ideas would be variously confirmed, refined or rejected. For the moment, however, mainstream economists, including the hero of the hour, seem reluctant to press their discoveries beyond the borders of the respectable. Their journalistic counterparts are if anything more timid. Only this can explain why Piketty’s discussion of inequality, a preoccupation on the left for decades, has struck them as such a singular revelation. The book is more exciting considered as a failure than as a triumph. Piketty has bid a lingering goodbye to the latter-day marginalism of mainstream economics but has not yet arrived at the reconstructed political economy foreseen at the outset. His theoretical reach fumbles where his statistical grasp is sure, and he leaves intact the questions of economic value, distributive justice and capitalist dynamics that he raises.«
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:51:24 +0000

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