Deputy speaker Hon Emeka Ihedioha is NOT a leader but a mere - TopicsExpress


Deputy speaker Hon Emeka Ihedioha is NOT a leader but a mere Politician. Qualities of a good leader: Flexible/Adaptable How do you handle yourself in unexpected or uncomfortable situations? An effective leader will adapt to new surroundings and situations, doing his/her best to adjust. A Good Communicator As a leader, one must listen...a lot! You must be willing to work to understand the needs and desires of others. A good leader asks many questions, considers all options, and leads in the right direction. Respectful Treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect. Quiet Confidence Be sure of yourself with humble intentions. Enthusiastic Excitement is contagious. When a leader is motivated and excited about the cause people will be more inclined to follow. Open-Minded Work to consider all options when making decisions. A strong leader will evaluate the input from all interested parties and work for the betterment of the whole. Resourceful Utilize the resources available to you. If you dont know the answer to something find out by asking questions. A leader must create access to information. Rewarding An exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of others and reinforce those actions. We all enjoy being recognized for our actions! Well Educated Knowledge is power. Work to be well educated on community policies, procedures, organizational norms, etc. Further, your knowledge of issues and information will only increase your success in leading others. Open to Change A leader will take into account all points of view and will be willing to change a policy, program, cultural tradition that is out-dated, or no longer beneficial to the group as a whole. Interested in Feedback How do people feel about your leadership skill set? How can you improve? These are important questions that a leader needs to constantly ask the chapter. View feedback as a gift to improve. Evaluative Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization/group to improve and progress. An exceptional leader will constantly evaluate and change programs and policies that are not working. Organized Are you prepared for meetings, presentations, events and confident that people around you are prepared and organized as well? Consistent Confidence and respect cannot be attained without your leadership being consistent. People must have confidence that their opinions and thoughts will be heard and taken into consideration. Delegator An exceptional leader realizes that he/she cannot accomplish everything on his own. A leader will know the talents and interests of people around him/her, thus delegating tasks accordingly. Initiative A leader should work to be the motivator, an initiator. He/she must be a key element in the planning and implementing of new ideas, programs, policies, events, etc. A good leader has discipline A good leader has wisdom ,, ,, ,, ,, HUMILITY ,, ,, ,, develops friendship ,, ,, ,, exercises Tact and diplomacy A good leader exudes inspirational power. A good leader is accessible. A good leader is a peace maker, he resolves and settles conflicts. A good leader is interested in the fairplay. A good leader is interested in what makes others happy. A good leader is not self-aggrandized ie does not impose himself on the populace. A good leader has vision , creates new innovative ideas and executes them effectively for the good and benefitof the populace. A good leader is not greedy. A good leader is not arrogant. A good leader is compassionate. A good leader is a team player. A good leader forbids intimidation, violence,thuggery and blood shed. A Politician: A politician is a policy maker, a legislator who operates in an already established area of doing. A politician is a rule maker at the core. A politician creates alliances and allegiances in order to get things done. A politician is in-charge of managing what already exists. A politician is concerned more about maneuvering and manipulating what already exists, then charting new territories. A politician places his personal interest (re-election counts) ahead of his obligation to his country. A politician creates problems & troubles inorder to take advantage of it to shine. A politician takes bribes whether for deposit in offshore accounts or to support campaigns,believes solely on monetary inducement on the masses. A politician does not solve problems especially the problems he knows that benefits him,example the house of representatives problems which Emeka Ihedioha is using to induce/blackmail the president Jonathan with. Rob my back, I Rob your back at the detriment of the general masses. Party disloyalty. A politician kills his own people without giving a wink of an eye. A politician makes impossible promises to voters. A politician runs his country into the ground because the crash wont happen on his watch. A politician bluntly refuses to recognize the legitimacy of differing points of view, is NOT a democrat. Hence , I state categorically that the deputy speaker federal house of representative is just a politician and NEVER a leader because he lacks the qualities of a leader not to talk of a god leader. This is the era to resist politicians in our leadership circle. He who has an ear let him hear. Thank you. Cc : President Goodluck Jonathan (GCFR) National Peoples democratic party Abuja. Federal house of representatives Abuja Imo state PDP owerri. All Imo state indigenes.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 08:56:41 +0000

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