Despicable, yet not surprising is it? The MO of this - TopicsExpress


Despicable, yet not surprising is it? The MO of this administration has been to hide on details, subterfuge, and obfuscation for six years. The least transparent administration in the history of this nation, according to an 2014 AP study (, and evidenced in a multiplicity of instances where documents about trivial aspects of life (e.g. what is being bought with $80B in food stamps), are not released under “executive privilege” or “Federal rules” pretenses. The scandal plagued administration doubles down on any attempt at calling out these behaviors. Those found pursuing further information are promptly dismissed as racists and conspiracy theorists, or told that “after all Bush did it before him… you didn’t complain then… Obama is just playing by the rules.” Riiiiiiiiiiiiight… And so we have Benghazi (remember the protest about the video?) (as my democrat friends roll their eyes up on their sockets yet again), remember IRS targeting? (“both conservative and liberal groups were targeted”, but the they weren’t…), remember Fast and Furious? Remember AP Phone records? Remember sequestration? (when Pres. Obama suggested sequestration in the Budget Control Act of 2011 to encourage Congress to reduce deficit spending and once it was enacted by the republicans it was deemed “un-American”)? Remember the DOJ targeting of reporters (Free Press)? Remember a certain rollout of Obamacare (the fact that this administration knew it would not be ready at the time it rolled out long before it failed)? Remember the VA scandal? (This one did start long before this administration, but this administration continued to hide the facts to the extent that veterans started dying)? And the list could go on, and on and on… The thread in common? A bloated, inefficient, inept government insisting on its self-preservation and ever-expansion, and an administration coddled by a shrinking minority that can see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. Too bad we dont have a reliable alternative.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:05:18 +0000

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