Detour, detox by Michelle Kaplan Remember the commercial with - TopicsExpress


Detour, detox by Michelle Kaplan Remember the commercial with the little old lady who croaks (well not really), “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” I used to laugh at that lady, but now I think I know how she feels. No, I didn’t take a spill, but lately I’ve been feeling a bit knocked on my backside and after taking a cruise on the ol’ world wide web I decided, like a car, I needed a tune-up. Something to take a little rust off the gears. I was tired of feeling sick and tired, so I launched into a detox diet complete with a full regime of exercise. I’m one of those “go big or go home” people; it’s all or nothing, and I decided to give it my all. There are lots of detox diets out there, each one more outrageous than the last. Many require stretches of fasting, tons of supplements and coffee enemas. Sorry, but I prefer to consume my coffee orally. Instead, the detox I chose is safe, sane but not for the faint of heart. I’ll be giving up the “Evil Six” for 21 days. No gluten, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no dairy, no soy (and there is soy in everything) and no booze – no kidding. Right now, I’m on day eight, or as I like to call it, the “make or break” day. The first seven days are like the seven dwarfs; you’re crampy, achey, complainy, hungry, whiney, weepy and tired – all the time. Day eight, it’s getting to be routinel the cravings are sparse and you begin to feel better, lighter. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings I walk a little over three miles with a friend, and sometimes another mile with my husband when he gets home from work at night. The other days are a mix of kickboxing, stretching and circuit training. The best part is having him semi-joining me. He’s smart, just making better food choices, just like a normal person; you know, good old moderation. Whichever way you climb on the path to better health – either petal to the metal or via merging on – it’s just good to be on the journey.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 18:29:51 +0000

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