Detroit. Obama Victory. Huh? How could the bankrupting of the - TopicsExpress


Detroit. Obama Victory. Huh? How could the bankrupting of the Motor City be a victory for Barack Obama? Any objective evaluation of Detroit’s woes would have to come away with the conclusion that they; mismanaged their municipal budgets for decades, overindulged the social welfare rolls, over-regulated the automobile industry, and vastly overextended the Public Employee Pension obligations beyond their ability to raise revenues. In a nutshell – Liberalism. How then, by any measure can this be considered an Obama victory? You’ll notice the operative phrase in the previous paragraph is – objective evaluation. We, as Conservatives, too often get caught up in reason and logic. It doesn’t make sense, to intentionally bankrupt a city. Won’t “people” suffer? Yes, in fact, many will, but it is in this suffering that Obama has laid the foundation for his eventual victory. Revolution! Obama, OFA, the DNC, the Congressional Black Caucus, ACORN, George Soros, Code Pink, MSNBC, the NAACP, the Detroit Teachers Unions, the Detroit Public Works Unions, the AFL-CIO, the SEIU, the Occupy thugs, et al, are primed, and ready for battle. Capitalism will be decried as the enemy of the people. Not mismanagement, corruption, or the failings of Liberalism. The limits provided “to” government, by the negative liberties ascribed within the Constitution will be highlighted as “keeping the state, from providing the remedy” to solve Detroit’s problems. In other words, more Liberalism. Egypt’s revolution came about (some would say, inorganically), with the rising cost of food, and propane – one of Egypt’s primary energy sources for cooking. Revolution, in America, will not be happenstance. Cloward & Piven crafted the plan in the 60’s. Saul Alinsky developed the model for the creating of, and subsequent organization of grievance groups, into a ready and willing citizen army. Barack Obama’s entire upbringing, under the tutelage of mentors; Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Derrick Bell, William Ayers, et al, has prepared him to “leverage” Detroit’s bankruptcy for socio/political gain. We error, if we view Detroit’s collapse through the lens of objectivity, reason and logic, and not for what it is – the spark that Obama and his minions have been waiting for, to create an excuse to strike out. And, make no mistake, they will strike out. The Zimmerman riots(I will not call them protests) are being organized by the race hustlers(Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, CNN, and the NAACP), and executed primarily by the Occupy hooligans, and a handful of aggrieved malcontents. Add in the DNC, Soros, and the Unions, with a few missed bi-weekly check mailings, and viola, you have the ingredients for revolution. Having said all that, now that we have an “idea” how Obama might use this “crisis” to advance his cause, what will we do, to thwart his plans?
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:46:51 +0000

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