Devotion for Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013 Love Is Blind? Read Song - TopicsExpress


Devotion for Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013 Love Is Blind? Read Song of Songs 5:1–16 He is altogether lovely. Song of Songs 5:16 When someone is in love, we often describe them as having a temporary sort of blindness. They see this person who has stolen their heart with rosetinted glasses. Everything he or she does is wonderful. She is more beautiful and gentle than any woman who ever walked the earth. He is the most handsome, kind, and wonderful person who ever lived. Professor Stephanie Ortigue reported in her scientific study that falling in love actually affects the intellectual areas of the brain, releasing euphoria-inducing chemicals. This feeling can change the way our brain operates, making us feel better about ourselves and altering our view of the object of our affection. As the woman responds to the man in chapter 5, she describes in detail the object of her love and her overwhelming feelings of desire. She waits for her love to appear, and the effects of this longing are physical. She is unable to sleep soundly and her heart is beating with excitement. The chapter begins with her finding and losing her beloved. He disappears into the darkness of the night, leaving her alone. She again describes the physical sensations of love: “Tell him I am faint with love” (v. 8). Her friends, who serve as the chorus throughout the book, ask the woman to describe her love. Again, the reader is given a metaphor as she compares her lover (the most handsome of all) to cultural objects. What is clear to modern-day readers as well is that she considers her lover far superior to all other men: “outstanding among ten thousand” (v. 10). Not only is he her lover, he is also her friend. He is beautiful to her in every way possible, “altogether lovely” (v. 16). Apply the Word Of the 68 times the word beautiful appears in Scripture, some 14 are in the Song of Songs. Do you feel “altogether lovely”? You are to God! We are described as His beautiful bride (Rev. 21:2). How incredible to be so loved by the Creator of the universe. Take a moment today to savor God’s all-encompassing love for you.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 20:28:47 +0000

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