Diary Tweets 20th December, 2014, around 4:00pm Not a pleasant - TopicsExpress


Diary Tweets 20th December, 2014, around 4:00pm Not a pleasant observation. Some people change for the better while some for the contrary. People change due to reasons. But are all reasons worth the change especially when the change is not a good one? Say, somebody who abstained from major sins out of his/her fear towards Allah in the past now commits himself/herself to all those sins because of whatever reason. Is this change even worth it no matter the reason backing it up? Of course not and we all know it. The bottom of the story is that this dunya is very temporary, feeding our desires, disobeying Allah for false pride, fame, power, status, to please the world and to please people, all are but meaningless. The final destination, the final return is to Allah. The people and this dunya for whom you changed for the worse will disappear, they will leave you alone to face the consequences of the decisions YOU made all the while displeasing Allah, ignoring His warnings of the nearness of your death and the Resurrection day, the warnings that your life is but a play and that the hereafter is more real, leaving you to face your Lord. You are now and then will also be left at the Mercy of Allah. So better set your priorities straight. Change to please Allah not people and this just means change for the better. Dont build your own downward spiraling staircase. Be kinder, more just, more loving, more well behaved, more compassionate, more considerate and patient, more understanding and loyal, increase your worship, increase your charity, enhance your character. And dont become angrier, more harsh and rude, more ill mannered, more egoistic, more proud, more arrogant and aggressive, dont increase your habit of gossiping about people and being critical all the time, dont go from praying to not praying at all, dont go from being giving to being stingy, dont go from covering to not covering at all. Walk towards Allah not away from Him. salamai
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:03:56 +0000

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