Did I ever tell you how I met Jack Bruce? In February 1982, My - TopicsExpress


Did I ever tell you how I met Jack Bruce? In February 1982, My boyfriend, Hank, and I had a gig at a restaurant on Stearns Wharf. He sang lead and played guitar, a 12-string Guild acoustic, and I sang harmony. Our favorite song was Cream’s Deserted Cities of the Heart. Those Jack Bruce vocals really reached deep into my soul, and I loved singing that soaring chorus. One beautiful Sunday afternoon in February, we were performing that song, and I threw my head back and belted out that chorus, raising my hands to the sky with all the love I felt for that song. We took a break after that song, and a man who’d been standing at the back of the deck, hurried over to me immediately. He’d been watching me sing with a thoroughly amazed and delighted look on his face, shifting back and forth, as if he could hardly contain himself with excitement. He was in his 40’s, wearing a ratty old windbreaker, torn up jeans, battered sneakers and a fishing hat pulled low over his eyes, which were shining like stars. He clasped both of my hands between his, and gushed, in the most lovely lilting Scottish accent, “I’ve never heard that song sung more beautifully! Even I’ve never sung it so well! You’ve captured my heart! I think I’m in love with you! Will you run away with me? We can live in Scotland together forever!” I smiled and blushed and tried to pull my hands away, but he wouldn’t let them go. I looked into his bright dancing eyes and saw that he was earnest in his proposal. “No,” I replied shyly. “No!” he exclaimed, genuinely surprised and dismayed, although the smile never left his face. “Why not?” “I already have a boyfriend,” I said, looking at Hank. “Oh, my heart is broken forever! Are you sure you won’t reconsider?” “No, I’m sorry,” I said, wondering who he was, then I excused myself to go to the bathroom. When I came back, Hank was smiling as he said, “Don’t you know who that was? That was Jack Bruce!” My mouth dropped open and I was flooded with elation and dismay! “Why didn’t you tell me?” I demanded. “I couldn’t just tell you in front of him,” he said, laughing a little incredulously that I seemed to be reconsidering my decision not to go with him! I looked all over the pier, but he was already gone. I truly would have gone to Scotland with Jack Bruce forever! I learned something very special about myself that day: it is the heart, mind and soul of a man that I desire, and I let someone very special slip through my fingers that day! youtu.be/_Vyovd0dnDY
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 22:33:24 +0000

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