Did Obama Know that ISIS Planned to Invade Iraq? Well, sorry to be - TopicsExpress


Did Obama Know that ISIS Planned to Invade Iraq? Well, sorry to be a spoiler but the answer is yes. Nonetheless, its an instructive article and amplifies on what Ive been saying since ISIS was let loose on Iraq. The whole thing is another exercise in regime change and partition with the long-range goal of provoking a second Iraqi-Iranian war. We are actually in the opening throes of WW3. It will not pan out in the same fashion as WW1, which was a war for the colonial re-division of the world, or WW2 which was primarily about acquiring territory for expansion of German and Japanese Lebensraum. No, WW3 is episodic, with the theaters jumping from one country to another and much of the fighting now being done by proxy forces and mercenaries. The objective of the US/Israeli/Saudi axis in the Western theater of operations and the US/Japanese axis in the Eastern theater of operations is to take down whatever sovereign, independent countries that they can and reinforce regional Qusiling regimes. The main focus is to isolate and eventually dismember China, Russia and Iran, the three legacy states that stand in the way of US global hegemony. Thats why it is so important to buttress and reinforce the strategic alliance of these three bulwarks against imperialism. Other theaters of operation are in Latin America, Africa, South and Southeast Asia. China is the main ally of Latin American and African states that are attempting to break their bondage to the World Bank and the IMF, hence the strategic BRICS alliance with Brazil the anchor in South America and the RSA in Africa. India can be the anchor in South Asia if it can be weaned away from a reliance on US financial and political support. Iran heads the Shiite resistance in the Middle East and Russia is trying to break the US strangle hold on the EU and protect its Central Asia flank. China also has to contend with revanchist Japan and a revived SEATO pact in SE Asia. This war has already begun and has flared up in North and Central Africa, the Middle East, Southeastern Europe, Central Asia and more recently skirmishes have occurred in the East and South China Seas with Obamas Asian pivot. This will be a long and protracted conflict and will determine the fate of the world during the 21st century. - Dennis Etler counterpunch.org/2014/06/24/did-obama-know-that-isis-planned-to-invade-iraq/
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 06:21:29 +0000

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