Did some research on which korea is the most IGNORANT RACIST one - TopicsExpress


Did some research on which korea is the most IGNORANT RACIST one turns out south korea is. Funny how the world loves Kpop but in reality its fake and south koreans do not like every other race. then again the world must be really stupid which is a sad reality. did us japanese force our culture onto you NO WE DIDNT. GUESS WHO CENSORS JAPANESE FILMS NOT NORTH KOREA BUT SOUTH KOREA SOUTH KOREA IS NOT RICH EITHER south korea media portrays korean men a FAGGOTS who are not real men fake makeup fake face so fake just like the entire south korea REAL KOREAN MEN ARE ONLY FOUND IN THE NORTH not saying i HATE south koreans but they need to stop accusing japan all the time because south korea is the biggest mislead liar in asia and the world. heres some proof of how south korea is all FAKE 1 it is still illegal to broadcast Japanese music and television dramas over terrestrial signals in South Korea.[2] 2 In February 2011, the Korean censor indicated that he might consider lifting this ban in the future.[3] In August 2011, a single Japanese song was broadcast in South Korea as part of a trial program.[4][5] 3 In 2014, a Korean-language song by the Korean band Crayon Pop was banned from broadcast because it contained the Japanese word pikapika in its lyrics. 4 In September 1999, Japanese music was allowed to be performed in venues not exceeding 2000 seats, and more films were allowed to be shown. BUT japan does not do this to Korea. 5 Plagiarism of Japanese products[edit] Korea has been accused of plagiarizing Japanese products In 2007, a K-pop singer Ivy was accused of copying a scene from the Japanese video game movie adaptation Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children in one of her music videos. The court ordered that the video be banned from airing on television, stating that most of the clip is noticeably similar to scenes from the film 6 Fashion Koreans stolen that from Japan America and other nations those styles was used years ago even decades. 7 Media Fuji Tv is biased and supports the ignorant lies. Fuji Tv censors japanese flags on its news BUT NOT THE KOREAN ONE. Fuji Tv owners and shareholders think that ALL KOREANS LIKE JAPANESE.. In a ALL KPOP STARS CONCERT a Korean and ENGLISH subtitle claimed that there was 43,000 people at the stadium, why was the entire upper floors ALL DARK AND EMPTY and the stadium actually holds 12,000 people another Kpop performance outside shibuya station claimed to have 5000 people there. but if you compare its size to a school hall filled with 1000 people that so called group of 5000 was actaully 458 people. 8 korea as the superior race some kpop videos whisper subliminal messages in the background. and even objects that makes references to south korea including flag and cultural icons. another common misconception is that everything Asia is Korean which is false. Kpop also creates the false misconception that Koreans are the only beautiful race when in fact nearly all singers have plastic surgery. Koreans are actually very ugly no offence and Chinese girls too are very ugly. us Japanese look good without plastic surgery. Its media also doesnt show japan how anti japanese koreans really are and fuji tv during the 2011 earthquake and Tsunami was NOT BROADCASTED. instead Kdrama was on TV, HOW DISRESPECTFUL 9 A 2000 CNN ASIANOW article described popularity of Japanese culture among younger South Koreans as unsettling for older Southerners who remember the occupation by the Japanese 10 After South Koreas gradual democratization during the 1980s and 1990s, a public call to prosecute chinilpa and set the history right has gained increasing support. This sometimes mixes with a general anti-Japanese sentiment in South Korea, reinforcing each other 11 The special law to redeem pro-Japanese collaborators property is a special South Korean law that passed the South Korean National Assembly on December 8, 2005 and was enacted on December 29, 2005. Under this law, the South Korean government may nationalize land and other properties owned by Korean collaborators (chinilpa), who had supported the Japanese rulers who controlled Korea, Japanese colonizers, and their descendants. The confiscated properties are redistributed to other Koreans. Koreans who fought against the Japanese colonial rule of Korea receive special priority in these distributions, to reward their actions. 12 Korea is racist Korean magazines claim that koreans are most attractive, and that other races are not. they also claim that south korea is powerful and allowed to invade other countries, foreigners in Korea such as Vietnamese Filipinos and north koreans are homeless they are not allowed to live in any dwelling.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 01:12:41 +0000

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