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Did we miss the point some where read to understand WHY ??? “Apes and Pigs” Deserve to Rule Over Us, Leave Aside Tyrants Leave a reply Once Hadhrat Hasan Basri (rahmatullah alayh) heard a man cursing one of the worst tyrants ever, Hajjaaj ibn Yusuf. Hadhrat Hasan said: “Don’t say so. You people have brought him (in power over you) in consequence of your own evil deeds. Verily, we fear that if Hajjaaj is dismissed or he dies (at this moment), then apes and pigs will be made your rulers. Verily it has been narrated that the rulers over you will be as your deeds are. Misfortunes settle o­n us as a result of our sins. Allah will remove these calamities when we repent..” ALLAH’S APPOINTMENT [By Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai] The Qur’aan Majeed states: “In this way do We appoint tyrants over tyrants o­n account of the evil they perpetrate.” Hadhrat Ibn Abbaas (radhiyallahu anhu) said in the tafseer of this aayat: “When Allah intends that evil befalls a people, He appoints their vilest to rule them or when He intends goodness for a people, He appoints over them their noblest men. In some Divine Scriptures it is recorded: ‘I destroy my enemies with (other groups of) My enemies. Then I destroy them at the hands of My friends (the Pious Mu’mineen).” Hadhrat Maalik Bin Dinaar (rahmatullah alayh)said: “I read in the Zabur: (Allah says): ’I extract vengeance from the Munaafiqeen with (other) Munaafiqeen. Then I, Myself, extract vengeance from all the Munaafiqeen.” In the tafseer of this aayat, Hadhrat A’mash (rahmatullah alayh) said: “When the people become corrupt, then their worst (tyrants) are appointed to rule over them.” Ibn Katheer states in his Tafseer: “The meaning of this aayat is that Allah appoints tyrants over other tyrants because of their tyranny.” In the end, when there arises a nation of pious and obedient Believers, Allah Ta’ala then destroys His enemies by appointing the Mu’mineen over them. The kuffaar are then utterly routed. But as long as Muslims perpetrate their present reign of zulm, fisq and fujoor and as long as their backs are turned to the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), the yoke of kuffaar domination will remain o­n them. In a Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Rulers will be appointed over you according to your deeds.” YOUR EVIL DEEDS Once Hadhrat Hasan Basri (rahmatullah alayh) heard a man cursing the tyrant, Hajjaaj. Hadhrat Hasan said: “Don’t say so. You people have brought him (in power over you) in consequence of your own evil deeds. Verily, we fear that if Hajjaaj is dismissed or he dies (at this moment), then apes and pigs will be made your rulers. Verily it has been narrated that the rulers over you will be as your deeds are. Misfortunes settle o­n us as a result of our sins. Allah will remove these calamities when we repent..” DUA Among the Masnoon Duas we have been instructed to make, the following o­ne is very significant, and it mirrors our present state of humiliation: “O Allah! Do not impose o­n us such rulers who will have no mercy o­n us as a result of our sins.” This Masnoon Dua testifies that the domination of oppressors, tyrants and kuffaar is the direct consequence of our own misdeeds, disobedience and evil. RULERS Hadhrat Ka’b Ahbaar (rahmatullah alayh) said: “In every age Allah appoints over people rulers in accordance with their deeds. If Allah intends goodness for the people, he appoints pious rulers over them, and if He intends ruin for them, He appoints evil rulers over them.” Once Bani Israaeel said to Nabi Musaa (alayhis salaam): “Ask your Rabb to inform us of the sign of His Pleasure with us and of the sign of His Wrath with us.” In response, Allah Ta’ala said to Nabi Musaa (alayhis salaam): “O Musaa! My Pleasure with them is that I appoint their noblest to be their rulers, and the sign of My Wrath is that I appoint their worst o­nes to be rulers over them.” Besides the few narrations cited here, there are numerous other Ahaadith which explicitly explain that rulers, kings and governments are the reflections and consequences of our own deeds and misdeeds. THE CAUSE It should be abundantly clear from the Ahaadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) as well as from the Qur’aan Majeed that the U.S.A. and the kuffaar in general are not the cause of our humiliation and enslavement. O­n the contrary, the Ummah is the cause of the domination of the U.S.A. The U.S.A. will remain in power as long as Muslims have resolved to follow their present path of moral and spiritual ruin. If Muslims can o­nly understand the cause of their disease and remedy it in the way the Qur’aan and Sunnah instruct us, they will soon rise to ascendancy and repeat the history of the Sahaabah. When the people of Musaa (alayhis salaam) complained about their enslavement by Fir’oun and the persecution he was inflicting o­n them:, the Nabi of Allah, instructed them: “Verily, the earth belongs to Allah. He bestows it (its rule) to whomever He wishes among His servants.” All groups who today strive to throw off the kuffaar yoke of domination, are themselves astray. They have not succeeded so far. Never will they succeed. They have been misdirected by shaitaan. The Road to Success and Victory is nothing other than obedience to Allah Ta’ala and adopting the Sunnah. The Qur’aan says: “And there is no help except from Allah, The Mighty, The Wise.” THE SECRET OF SUCCESS “O People! Reform your innerselves and your outer-lives (mundane affairs) will be successful.” — Hadhrat Umar at the conquest of Jerusalem reliablefatwas/apes-pigs-deserve-rule-us-leave-aside-tyrants/
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 06:21:16 +0000

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