Didnt brilliant visionary True Blue Radical LIBERAL democratic - TopicsExpress


Didnt brilliant visionary True Blue Radical LIBERAL democratic Founding Father and True Blue patriot James Madison know it about these dangerous, evil corrupt, etc. etc. etc. FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS....AMERICAN MAFIA/DOMESTIC TERRORISTS at the top, erroneously called Republicans? Though we may have real enemies like North Korea who is a real threat to that region of the world and in the middle east i.e. ISIS except for our friends, NO, THEIR friends, the SAUDIS and the OIL because they seem to make enemies where ever they go and ruin our reputation world wide...the way they pathologically lie for decades and are so DECEITFUL AND VIOLENT i.e. assassinations, constant warmongering and love and support guns and gun violence its a wonder anyone in the world can trust them ever...I know I havent....ever since FASCIST MOB connected assassinating, thieving, TRICKY DICK NIXON and the assassinations in the 60s via the MOB/CIA/FBI and Watergate! AND now 9/11.... FDRs brilliant visionary VP HENRY A. WALLACE, of the PROGRESSIVE party in 1948 knew them better than anyone ever and called them AMERICAN FASCISTS...he said they would claim to be SUPER PATRIOTS i.e . PHONY patriots as they goosestep around with their PHONY red and blue ties and little hypocritical American flag pins another sign of dangerous FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM...lots of flag wa ving and wearing pins on their clothing so technically Obama shouldnt do that as well and goosestep along with them in that respect...thats NATIONALISM which is NOT patriotism!! And he said they would use DECEIT AND VIOLENCE TO ATTAIN THEIR ENDS...HISTORY HAS BORN THIS OUT! SO WHY NO WORD OR MENTION ABOUT THIS DANGEROUS EVIL CORRUPT AMERICAN FASCISM WE WERE FOREWARNED ABOUT BY OUR VERY OWN DEMOCRATIC PARTY OR WHAT THE LATE GREAT FDR, WALLACE AND WRITER/PLAYWRIGHT SINCLAIR LEWIS SAID AND WROTE IN THE 1930s AND 40s which has been here since then via the late SEN. PRESCOTT BUSH, the founding father of dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM , a NAZI SYMPATHIZER WHO TRADED WITH FASCIST HITLER...how they got uber wealthy from that and from their very close ties with the SAUDIS in the middle east and the oil ever since the 1930s and theyre still GREEDY for even more power now with dangerous evil corrupt thieving, pathological lying, DECEITFUL etc. FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITOR Jeb Bush...think weve had enough of those toxic poisonous BUSHES around the White House... BUT, since when do we even allow dangerous evil corrupt, pathological lying, sociopaths/psychopaths i.e. thieving, murderous CRIMINALS and FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS who have already destroyed this once upon a time great democratic republic as we have known it since 1776 via FASCIST TREASONOUS CITIZENS UNITED, A HUGE MISNOMER LIKE THE WORD REPUBLICAN AS THESE ARE NOT REAL REPUBLICANS AND TRUE PATRIOTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LIKE HONEST ABE LINCOLN, TR AND IKE who was an anomaly back then in this sick deranged, dangerous, evil corrupt, pathological lying, DECEITFUL/VIOLENT SOCIOPATHIC/PSYCHOPATHIC, regressive/supressive/oppressive/depressive, unevolved, unenlightened, un-American, un-Christian PHONY patriotic, PHONY Republicans and PHONY raging HYPOCRITICAL Christian Right/REICH FASCIST REICHWING OF AMERICAN TRAITORS, DO NOTHING FOR THE 99 PERCENT OBSTRUCTIONISTS SINCE THE 1920S AND 30S....RUN FOR OFFICE IN THE FIRST PLACE LET ALONE OCCUPY THE GOVERNMENT, THE WHITE HOUSE, THE CAPITOL AND SCOTUS TO BEING WITH LET ALONE RUN, I MEAN RUIN THE COUNTRY??.... OUR TRUE BLUE RADICAL LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC FOUNDING FATHERS WOULD HAVE HUNG THEM...ESP. THOSE EVIL CORRUPT UBER GREEDY FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITOR WAR CRIMINALS DUMBYA BUSH, CHENEY AND RUMSFELD FOR MURDER! WHAT THEY USED TO DO TO LYING, THIEVING, MURDEROUS TRAITORS TO THE AMERICAN CAUSE JUST 238 YEARS AGO...IN THE TIME FRAME OF 1000 YEARS REALLY NOT THAT LONG AGO...WEVE GONE SOFT ON THE ENEMY WITHIN...WE CANT EVEN GET THEM THROWN IN PRISON...TOO MUCH MONEY, MONEY IS POWER AND ALL THEIR BEST EVIL CORRUPT, FASCIST TREASONOUS BUDDIES/JUDGES IN THE SCOTUS TO PROTECT THEM WHO HAVE TENURE FOR LIFE!! They now have control of three branches of the government, one more to go...the executive branch! IF they win the next election or steal yet another one or its already fixed...FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS ARE ANOTHER SIGN OF DANGEROUS FASCISM... WE WILL HAVE A TOTAL INVERTED TOTALITARIAN FASCIST STATE WHICH IS WHAT THEY REALLY WANT, NOT A DEMOCRATIC ONE...IN SHORT, A DICTATORSHIP OF ONE POLITICAL PARTY OWNING THE GOVERNMENT AND THAT ACCORDING TO THE LATE GREAT FDR, OUR STRONGEST MOST POWERFUL DEM PRESIDENT IS...DANGEROUS FASCISM! HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, PEOPLE REPEAT HISTORY AND THOSE WHO FORGET HISTORY ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT...George Santayana...THE TRUTH...including conspiracies, assassinations, treachery, tyranny, TREASON AND DANGEROUS FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM!!! PASSION IS THE ANTONYM FOR APATHY.....DENIAL AND APATHY ARE THE ENEMIES OF A TRUE DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC AS ARE DANGEROUS FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM AND TREASON.....SO IS SILENCE!!! SPEAK OUT NOW LOUDLY AND BOLDLY OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE!!! WHERES THE OUTRAGE! ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL AS WE CRASH!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:32:03 +0000

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