Disclaimer: This video may be disturbing for some audiences, and I - TopicsExpress


Disclaimer: This video may be disturbing for some audiences, and I hope it is. This is a video of my sons seizures from Infantile Spasms (see link- infantilespasmscenter.org/?gclid=Cj0KEQiAn9-kBRDloNeUw7Pe_YwBEiQA4HXMU5dw5J4Vt9cCrk9plqoHH8YD470XrK29_5yzdGRV5lsaAto98P8HAQ ). From day one, my son had adverse reactions to his vaccines, but we didnt know it, we just thought all the things he was doing were somehow normal, and attributed them to being a baby. At his two month checkup, he received vaccines, and stopped smiling as much and never really started cooing. After his 4 month vaccines, he had a generalized seizure and stopped breathing. At his 6 month check up, I was convinced it had to be the vaccines, and discussed this with my sons doctor. She assured me that she had never seen vaccines cause seizures, and that it I failed to vaccinate my son, he could get very sick with whooping cough, etc., and that it could be fatal. I felt pressured, so again, we vaccinated. This is the result. My son was hospitalized for IS, and we were told that his outcomes were unknown, but likely were poor, since this type of seizure disorder is very debilitating. He was put on a medication that was his only chance. For months we gave my son shots in his legs of ACTH, Adrenocorticotropin Hormone, basically a steroid. He had horrible side effects from the drug, but we were very lucky that it worked and his brain began functioning normally again. Today, he is a crazy go lucky 17 month old. He is running, jumping and climbing, and it very smart, but he is not talking yet or using words at all. We are honestly very lucky that he is where he is today. I do not share these images lightly. It is very difficult for me to go back and watch these videos and see these images and not feel the guilt and despair all over again. I hope these images make you think twice about the poison you are putting in your childrens bodies and the potentially fatal side effects that come with them. Please share my video and help spread awareness of vaccine injury and Infantile Spasms.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:49:03 +0000

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