Disgusting behaviour...and so is the behaviour of those who stood - TopicsExpress


Disgusting behaviour...and so is the behaviour of those who stood by and did nothing - you should be ashamed of yourselves. TRAUMATISED Tracy Lynch tells of her ordeal as ministers launch campaign to encourage victims of crimes based on prejudice to report abuse to police. AS Tracy Lynch got out of her seat to get off a bus, two young women trapped her by tying the cords from the hood of her jacket to the hand rail. Tracy, 31, believes she was targeted because she has learning difficulties. While she shouted out for help, other passengers turned away. Frightened, upset and angry, Tracy eventually broke herself free by ripping the toggles from her waterproof jacket. She spoke to the Sunday Mail as ministers launch a new campaign to encourage victims of abuse and violence based on prejudice to report it to Police Scotland. Tracy, from Edinburgh, said: “I went upstairs on the bus to get peace and quiet and two females followed me up. “But when I was getting up to get off, they tied me up on the bus pole. I was shouting, I felt trapped and frightened. “I knew what they were doing was wrong. I was angry with them and knew they shouldn’t be doing it and should respect people with learning difficulties. “I couldn’t untie the knot so I had to burst it off the handle. I had to rip the toggle off, meaning I couldn’t tie the hood again. I was frightened I’d miss my stop. No one on the bus stepped in to help. They were all looking the other way.” She complained to the driver. Tracy added: “He should have told them off but he didn’t. He didn’t take it seriously.” Tracy made her way home to husband Keith, 41, in tears. Keith, who also has learning difficulties, said: “She told me she was shouting but the bus driver didn’t pull over to find out what was wrong. She came home in floods of tears. “I called police and Tracy spoke to them. But when they spoke to the bus company, they said the picture quality of the CCTV wasn’t clear enough.” The couple battled against abuse for a year from locals who targeted them because of their learning disabilities. Tracy said: “Sometimes I get my words mixed up and stuff like that. When someone speaks to me, they realise I have learning difficulties. And we have support staff coming to our home so it would be obvious to people.” Keith added: “I can have difficulty understanding people. But people need to realise it’s not acceptable to bully anyone with learning difficulties or anyone in society. The only way to stop it is by reporting it. “There are a lot of good people out there. It’s just there are some who treat us differently. Maybe it’s the way they’ve been brought up or the way their parents have been brought up.” Keith added: “The problems started with local teenagers kicking in our gate and calling us names in 2012. “They’d throw things at our window and hang about outside drinking. We were scared and felt trapped in the house. One day I was sitting watching telly and we jumped when we heard a bang. “I went out to investigate and I found someone had thrown a kid’s doll at our window. I phoned the police but by the time they arrived everyone had left. “I felt they were picking on us because we were an easy target because we have learning difficulties. “A few weeks later, I saw someone pull down the handle on the front door and go to walk into the house. A male voice shouted, ‘Hey you!’ My wife was cooking but left the pot on and rushed to the door to close it. It could have caused a house fire. “I think they did it to scare us. It felt horrific. We should be able to sit in our home and feel safe without someone walking in.” Keith said: “We started up a Neighbourhood Watch and when some young people were throwing boxes at a support worker outside another house, police came. “This time they got hold of one of them and issued a warning. That was last August and since then it’s gone quiet. It’s taken a while but both my wife and I feel happier now.” Tracy said: “I’ve got nice neighbours and they’re really friendly. There are nice young people around who smile and say hello – the ones I know from Guides. It’s not everyone who is like this to us – just people with anti-social behaviour. “I’m happier now this has stopped and I can get on the bus and get peace and quiet without being annoyed.” Keith and Tracy are now working with People First Scotland in a Speak Out Against Hate Crime group to highlight the effect of disability hate crime and change people’s attitudes. “I’m campaigning to try to change people’s attitudes towards people with learning difficulties so that we can stop hate crime from happening,” Keith said. “We’re heading in the right direction but there’s still work to be done to change attitudes. Since joining People First Scotland, I’m more determined to stamp this out.” The campaign is launched days after the Mail revealed a vicious attack on blind charity worker Jacq Kelly. A six-foot thug punched Jacq, 34, from Gorgie, Edinburgh, to impress his girlfriend. It is one of dozens of hate incidents she has experienced due to her disability. Jacq said: “It really scared me and I felt humiliated. I just thought, ‘Why are you picking on me?’”
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 19:46:42 +0000

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