Divine Encounter at the Gas Station. The wind of the Spirit blows - TopicsExpress


Divine Encounter at the Gas Station. The wind of the Spirit blows where it will. By: Michael G. Rizk It was a few days after Easter. Just another day. Tank running on empty. Time to pump some gas. The week before, at a Bible study, I learned that the Greek and Hebrew words for spirit (pneuma and ruah) also mean wind. That morning, my Scripture reading was from John 3. I contemplated the words of Jesus as he answered Nicodemus’ question about how a man could be born again: “The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) I’m cleaning my bug-stained windshield, when a man in the next lane calls out, “Mine next!” I yell back, jokingly, “You can’t afford me!” He laughed as I finished cleaning my windows. Then I heard a small voice inside me saying, “Go clean his windows.” I found myself picking up the wet squeegee, crossed over and began to clean the man’s windows. He had gone inside to pay his bill. Inside the car, a woman sat looking at me in wonderment as I cleaned the front windshield. “Do you work here, or are you just a good Samaritan?” I heard the language of the gospels. “How are you today?” I said, expecting a “fine, have a nice day” response, and then I’d be on my way. Instead, the woman tells me she’s just returned from her second chemotherapy treatment for a cancer that has thrown her life upside down. Surprising words came out of my mouth: “You have faith? Are you a believer?” “Yes, I do,” the woman replied. “My faith carries me. I know how precious life is. This cancer has been a wake-up call! I was taking all the blessings of my life for granted. Now I’m taking one day at a time. Living each moment I am given. Grateful to God for my family, the doctors, every little thing, and you, for cleaning my windows. Thank you.” What’s happening here? One minute it was just another day, and the next, I’m witnessing Resurrection faith with a stranger. How does this happen? I recalled Jesus’ words about the wind blowing, and we don’t know from where. All I knew was that I was blown away! And thanking God for increasing my faith here at a gas station. Her spouse returned as the woman and I were asking each other for a prayer and a blessing for our continued journeys. “What’s going on?” he said. “Oh, just thought I’d take you up on your request. How does the window look?” He looked at his wife. “God bless you and your lovely wife,” I said, as I returned to my van and drove away. Just another day. All I had to do was show up for it and listen to the wind.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:46:40 +0000

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