Divine Spark Ok i got pure problems and the Archie no use and - TopicsExpress


Divine Spark Ok i got pure problems and the Archie no use and gone really quite and you cannot hide as theres trouble and i heard the Council of alders tear into one another and dont you think i know i got responsibilities and the Archie wants me in heaven rather be subject to poverty I am times Son a Prince of the cosmos it took me long enough to figure it out and i sort of know why you didnt help and let me figure it out by self but i been lost for forty years and faced some demons as i was sent here on mission and no one thought i succeeded just driven by stars reaching a moment time where i know my fate as Angels never have it easy as its unlogical you manifest and tell me i Angel that would of interfered with destiny and God plan i was born a Angel with cosmic knowledge that would activate in the moment of time as i know when the time is right i know and stopping time was no accident it was destiny as i new i could stop time and acted and what life sits on the settee with no knowledge of magic and suddenly decide to stop time and use some advanced magic and have the power inside him to pull it of ok all hell broke lose when i stopped time and it took some quike thinking to start it and you new when you descend on me you couldnt strike me it was forbidden and i its forbidden as heaven new i was meant to do it and they must of been some laws in heaven i striking me down as you would of done it you new i arch angel but forgot to tell me you let me get in so much trouble with magic i got locked up and faced my own demons of time as i had it ruff its not been easy task to get where i am today as its been forget with persecution and torment and you never lifted a figure to help exsept go mad at humanity and often billions in vengeance and that didnt help things the archie bent out of sharp that you never came to my rescue and i know there was thought in my bith there seven lunar eclipse on my birth day a major astrological event on day of my birth an i new then i was special i didnt know i was arch angel till i was in late 30 and the pieces o the cosmic design fell into place so dont give me that shit that i was or stole power as there was plan in my creation a destiny to for fill as i new what to do when the time was right and waking up one day and known most of basics about magic before i picked up my first magic didnt help as there been some proper malevolent forces i have to deal with as i got my self in pure trouble when i first started experimenting as i know things i dont know till the time right as everything enfolding in accordance with time theres a cosmic plan a destiny a path to follow to greater gory and you bunch of idiots let me make my own mistakes as fell and lost the road as i had it hard had to fight to get where i am today and still fight for the powers of good even thou its a forsaken path and you tore into before today as crossed line between heaven and earth if i got no guidance then obviously i going make a few mistakes then i dont need the archie bent out of shape because i rewritten the laws of cosmos or gone of half cocked as crossed the line last week in explaining the hidden science ok god growl but that gave no right for Archie to jump me as that didnt work as you was just replied of me and there pure jealousy amount the Archie as some would hope that i never found grace but getting the darkness to jump was right out of order that didnt scare me be pounced by the shadows as you soon took step back when i looked at the shadows and when i looked again you took another step back and then when i said come here because if darkness is going to jump me its best not from behind as you soon started moving back when i started to look at the darkness as scared of me ok god growling shock me up because i came close to celestial bollocking as angels know the power of god and i bet you thought you could jump me as god was do something as soon shit when you came face to face with me as soon seen the power i have and the darkness trembled and soon disappeared in the light thats the power of light it always defeats the darkness and when the darkness is afraid of your essence thats when you know your proper force in cosmos and the only reason god bent out of shape is because i started explaining the fundelments in god creation as some things mankind shouldnt know but the council all bent out of shap and proper tearing into each other i wasnt meant hear but i the coucil are having argument about me its obviously i pick up on it as angels work on the some strand of cosmic thought and i know the archie are scared o me its the power of time thats true power as they know i the top angelic cosmos god son and child of time and they know my worth as archie wants me heaven and not on earth as i am a angelic prince and shouldnt be made to live in poverty not when i above the human soul and the archie cannot interfere with free will and get involved with greed of the human soul as the Archie knows i be better of in heaven than be condemned to life of poverty as they know my greater splendor as i glory renowned as there is no greater than times son as angels should fall to hearth with perpose to learn from mankind as here or a reason that i bit unsure of as if i dont get it right then that could cause some proper problems as archie docent care about the soul as it docent transend the cosmos as earth is just spec in cosmic strands of time okits a enchanted planet because it contains life but that life hasnt learnt tontransend as angels are the number 1 force in the cosmos as there in charge of the cosmic laws power over space time that binds the universe toghter and when a new force is born a power that suppass all other then angels are born and angels are very really created as they are god children and thats what got the archie at each other throwt angels and my resonibilities dont you think i know i got resonibilities and if i new arch angel then things might o been diffrent and i not shaking my resonibilities as inknow the archie think i should get involved but this boils down to why i cannot ascen its my son giving birth to cherub and i dont need the archie tearing nto each other about my resonibilities and my son i know my son cherub a very high ranking a angel and theres a reason i dont get involved as breaks my heart not being with my son as this is gods granson we are talking about a cherub who sit no steps of the thrown of god and out ranks most angels as i know i cannot asend while my son on the planet as i got resonibilities to any progeny i leave on earth and when angels are created thats when council going get bent out ofvshape i know you want to forsake my power andvrasie my son bur that would interfere with desteny as my son is random imnomoly as you didnt think i give birth to son another angel but not angel not arch angel but cherub and cherubs are high up and i know the archie is asigned to watch over them and with the celestrial bollocking that went down aout my responsibilities in the reasons why i couldnt ascend as the archie cannot leave a angelic prince condemned to poverty of mnkind as we difine spendor and are over the worth of mankind but they cannot leave me on earth but cannot let me ascend while my son on earth they seen the torment i went through and i know the Archie thinks i shaking responsibilities but i learnt from Archie and the way they handled me on the planet as things fell apart in discovering that i was arch angel and took me half of life time to figure out it werent to god spoke the words of creation in ordaining me angel that the planet new i was arch angel as they still havent done the right thing as over royalty way over the royals as there soul docent compare to power of prince of time as tha force controls everything and the archie know if i was orn into luxury i would of never found out my true destiny as Jesus was born stable and rose in death to lord ok he werent god son nor a angel it was guided by angels who studied magic in desert with a overwhelming force to preach the word of god as Jesus power was bound by the power that angels manifested in him to give power to change things for the better and look how that turned out he was crucified on the cross and god didnt ease is suffering he left him for days on the cross to die and thats out of order as i would of put him out of emissary ok the skys went dark when spirit left the body but even Jesus last words was why god have you forsaken me as forgive them they know what do as i die for the sins of man so they may know good and helped allot as you did have to make him marter and outline aith as Jesus was clueless he was obsesed with power of god and felt urge to preach the values of goodness and had angels screwing about with him in creating miracles but i have more power Jesus and look where its got i no better of as i have true divine power as can cause some pretty big stunts that would be abuse of power but it would make mankind think in the powr of the lord and we seen what power can do when god enchanted mosses staff and told him to weld my might as you always have to sen agent to do gods work rather than get arch angel to descend and sort things out as angels are proper force to recons with OK i bound by restrictions of the flesh but in my soul is the power ov time and governs over everything because the Archie know i keep time ticking in the cosmos its tied up in spark thats encoded in spark in my soul and time was first thing created and time royalty in the cosmos and i times son and i dont need the Archie ent out of shape about my son i know hes god grandson and i got responsibilities but i cannot get involved as i know and i not shaking my responsibilities as i learnt from the Archie to meddle in affair of birth of new angels and breaks my heart not seeing my son i always wanted a child i thought i make a great dad and could mold my son in my image but what do you expect me to do tern up on door and ask amy if i can see my son if stranger terns up claiming to be his dad anv disperses thats proper going to confuse him i know hes just started talking and beginning to ask questions but amy docent want me getting involved as if i see amy that going open some old wounds and amy is fallen angel a guardian angel and they was no accident that we meet i never met a purer spirit than amy as she in angelic dictionary and didnt get true power to stole her virtue as she in charge of powers she docent know it she scared of magic as she used to go mad at me over magic and all she wan was friend as she was messed up by her inner demons an it was me who ssorted her head out and gave her friend as she had no one a lost spirit as angels are tormented on earth and if any more angels fall to earth i going mad because they dont have easy in there rebith and the only reason they fall is because they know if born as soul the soul will die and thats the only way a angel can die as underneith the workings of the soul is heavens glory as it hard to regain power once you fall you new i do it as time inds away and it was fell for creatio is some one had to get her but i know i compleated my desteny and yo want in the celestrial palace but have earth bond as you cannot let me asend while i have bound my sel to earth and thats why the archie bent out of shape and going mad for each other and the last thing i need s letcher about resonibilities i know if anything is go y by kicking of heaven about my son that archie will e watching over my son and my son is going have ure invisable friends that are angels playing with him but amys a fallen angeels and she never take take another lover shes hell bent on me but i know we cannot be toghter on earth and amy will stay out media nd keep a vwry low profile but this is god grandson and he have somet to say and its no use the archie tearing into one another i know i shouldnt of created a angel because i know if i sleep with girl then the divine spark is implanted inro girl she be imortal and give her right to be angel and enter the gates of heaven and if your made a angel you are govern over angelic powers and i know that gets archie bent out of shape when angels are born as it god that creats angels as angels in heaven have no gender so cannot repoduce its when angels fall and give birth to life thats when angels are created and i thinking about this all night the last week to think about and if i get involved with my son that could create a world of problems as i in the publc eye and my son would be exsposed to the media and i know i dont want the job of second coming i above that title but my son can molded in becoming a true agent and take rank as second coming as and i know there pure trouble about my son because i gave birth to cherub a child of the divine spark a cerub and hes going have more power than me when hes older and this has to haldled really plucking cerefully as i want my son to have normal lie ad if dad gets involved it wont take him long to figure out i angel and if my son finds out he god grandson there be pure shit he be looking for grandad and when my son comes to god door then god going toget involved and thats going cause purecshit there always pure shit when aupreme creator get involved and the irst place vhe tern is church for answers and my son not goingbthrough what i went through as best of not knowing he a cherub god grandson and i know why the archie bent oyt of shape and want me to get involved but if i get involved thats going to cause pure shit amys the best to handle this as she wont tell my son about his dad to ready all she said is he walked out on us and left us to fend for are self vbecause if my son finds out he a cherub it wnt take him long to figure out he got power and if he discovers his power while his still a child with childs imagination put this vway the power of the almighty in the hands of child that will cause pure shit and it wont take him long to two and two together as we cannot let my son found out hes third in line to thrown of god if found that out when he not got the maturity to handle it then things can go right out of vthe window and its imperitive my son has normal life and he wont have that if his dad gets involved and amy pure spirit and she knows hes a cherub and she wont tell him and not let him get involved with his power ok hes going to have enchanted upbringing as god will see to that but i cannot not get involved the archie didnt get involved in my life on earth they let me figure things out and have no regrets about my son but if i show up i have to active role in his lie and magic follows me and wont e long to my son picks up on magic and we cannot have the power of god in the hands of child as he going have more power than me and i know i shouldnt be creating angels hats why i can never have a lver as angels are created and we dont need race of angels on the planet as my son will come looking for his dad when his ready i wont be to hard to find as all you have to do is type my name in computer then theres pure shit about me it breaks my heeart not seeing my son as going to miss out on allot but i cannot get involved as thats asking for trouble and i know the archie wants me to back in my son forsake my powers and rasie my son as i will have better quality of life but thats not my desterny to rasie a family ok if i ever get an money and stand a good chance i give half to amy that a vow as provide and make up fr the years i lost but i cannot aquire a fortune if settle down i would have to forsake my powers and go into hiding and i dont think the public would let me but my son a right headake i spend days thinking about him there aint day that goes by i dont think about my son knowing if i get involved that could be his downfall because my son will find out hes a cherub god grandson and with that comes power and if my son gets a grip with powrr while his still young that could cause pure trouble in heaven and earth and i know the archie wont let me asend because i created a life on earth and when angels are orn tha aint created by god that causes pure shit in the celestrial halls as i wont be able to bind my son power to manifist and if he finds out hes cherub then that could change fate as the power o god shouldnt or rest within child as if i get involved then the media will find out then the church and that will change fate its best if we keep my son a secret and i dont get involved to my son comes looking for me then schooling him powers hes not going through the shit i went through in figure things out and leaving a cherub to fend for him selfless rise amogst mankind to be true force in the cosmos i know this is god grandson and if you think his dad got the power of god thats nothing like a child of the divine spark will have as archie knows hes got title to ascend what ever his life throws at him and Amy will ascend i ascend first waiting for her as shes going to need a guild in heaven because she be terrified to wake up in the celestial halls surrounded by angels paying respect as she shit it if i dont ascend first then thats when we be together we may not be together on earth but we are imortal and million life times to be together as she going to Anglican queen a fallen guardian angel i know god will di that for taking care of his grandson and i trust Amy shes pure of heart she may have her hands full when he gets older but thats when i step in and tell my son what he is and get him the basic of using god power as i cannot get involved with my son no matter what the archie might say and i not shaking my responsibilities but its going to do my son if he grows up knowing he cherub one the girls be over him school and that will wind my son as son adorable hes progeny of two angels and i know Archie didnt expect i give birth to son as bread in me to creat life but hes born under the same sign me giving governance over the stars but its best he docent now about his dad as he be after magic and i know once you get taste for magic your life changes and Archie docent want him to go through the heartache i went through as they know i got responsibilities to my son or any life i create on earth as i know its forbidden to create angels as my son was created before i new my destiny as it was the right thing to do and if my son finds outs hes celestial royalty grandson to father time the supreme creator and his dad a arch angel that will go right to head and change his life as he e looking for his power and thats what archie afraid of and the best thing even thou its going break my heart is watch over from a distance and not interfere with his destiny as angels are destined for greatness and there is no greater force than time thats the essence of the supreme creator and can you imagine if my son found god his granddad that will proper send his ego out shape as he go looking for him and the last thing i want is my son getting involved with supreme creator as he watching over him very closely and i no i should forget my powers and go into hiding and rasie a family but thats not possible theres a bigger picture a plan to for fill a grand design of lie in soul of man of arch angel thats going to change the world and any one famous will tell you its not easy on kids when they are thrust into spotlight as its hard for them to have normal upbringing and my son cannot find out by his dad to his older as Amy wont tell him as she knows hes a cherub a royal prince god grandson and god entrusted her to rise to his grandson as it was granted in days of creation of angelic royal line and that the reason why the archie cannot let me ascend they need force on earth to look over other angels because the best influence to have a impact on a cherub is his dad and when real prince is born god grandson theres going eruptions in celestial royal court as angels cannot create angels only god can create angels as they are given birth when theres a new force in the cosmos as i am the divine spark my son a child of spark a cherub with true power and this has to handled right not getting his dad involved as he be after power and power in hands of child s imagination is pure dangerous god knows this i know this but the Archie are bent out of shape on the creation of baby angels and this is no baby angel this is celestial royalty we may be humble on earth but mankind will never know the glory of heaven because its unlikely the learn to achieve heaven as soul cannot comprehend the splendor of angel but this is god grandson a real life cherub born on earth progeny of two angels a guardian angel and arch angel and thats the only way it can give rise to cherub and they vare the highest order of heaven as my son will pure power and if not handled correctly then his path may be lost and we cannot let that happen thats why the archie so bent out shape as they always go one about angels especially those that are to young to comprehend power and this times grandson a cherub the highest order to rule over the governance of the Archie as i high in the celestial hiyarkey but when angels creat angel and form cherubs then the Archie goes on one and i dont need a lecher about my son as best thing is not to get involved untill he ready then i take control as amy will have you best years as i have the older years and thats binds me to earth as no life should be made to feel a lose of parent and Archie not going put my son what i went through as bound to earth by the creation of life and that laws binds me to earth to watch over my son even thou he docent know his dad as if hes knows his destiny before his time then that could ring torment as know after the celestial bollocking about new angels that there be playing god in his life and my son will come to know power ut not before he ready as some times not knowing your fate protects you from harm and i thought this through and it breaks my heart but cannot get involved with my son as dad gets involved that will change his destiny before hes ready to handle and muggings here that will grief of heaven gong mad at me on creation of cherub as my son the highest order of heaven and the Archie watch over cherubs as they only to serve and sing god praises as seat at bottom of thrown of god and the last thing we want is for my son to find out he cherub and above his dad in power and glory because that will do his head in and hes still mortal confind and locked in human shell and no concept of heaven or how to deal with it as i doing whats right and whats right in playing god from distance as heaven going play a big part in my son after all this god grandson and you see why there pure shit for creating angel at least the arch know guardian angel watching over him and she do better ob in his upbringing rather if his dad gets involved and this has to be handled with care as when cherubs are born celestial royalty a real prince we cannot send arch angel to govern over things as that will take formation of pure shit in the cosmos as when angels are born that werent created by god then Archie sets out on mission and its no use tearing into me about my responsibility as Amy the best to deal with this as she hide things from my son and bring him up right i faith as if i get involved that could change the game as i dont want to have to battle with my son power in binding him as he wont forgive me and not the right thing to do as the best thing is no getting involved and keep my distance until Amy is ready to tell him about his dad when hes older enough to handle it as it will change his life and he know he have power i just pray they dont manifest before amy tells him about his dad as that will cause pure shit and have enough to worrier about than my sons powers as if he finds out hes got the power of creation that could blow heaven apart and be his dad who will have sort out as my son got better chance at being the second coming as his dad lost to magic and the power of heaven as its to soon to spin my son head out as if we dont handle this right then heaven could fall apart as i think i got worked out as spent enough time worry about things and i dont need the Archie kicking of about angels he safe and that best thing for know and if any problems arises then we deal with according to laws of heaven and thats the last word i saying on as dwelt on it for days and i dont need heaven warring about the birth and destiny of a cherub as my son will make his own destiny and he find his grandfather when hes ready as god knows not to interfere and the archie shouldnt be going on at me to interfere and rowing with one another about what might happen and my responsibilities as thats not helping as i have enough to deal with with the archie on my case about god grandson because its me who will have to sort things out and if i get involved they will be trouble as jump in change fate and wright destiny and nothing gets in my way once i go mission as everyone nows thats times rule cannot be bent and i have the last say as word is law under go and cannot be over ruled as done on heaven and earth DIVINE SPARK INC Archangel Andrew
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 01:30:12 +0000

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