Do Face Reading and Bazi tell us whether a person is a - TopicsExpress


Do Face Reading and Bazi tell us whether a person is a villain? To answer this question, metaphysician, Nancy, used Cheng Chieh(郑捷), the assailant in the 2014 Taipei Metro Attack as an example as she shared with us the characteristics of an evil person. Three photos of Cheng Chieh at different stages of his life were compared: His childhood – where he appeared to be a normal kid. His adolescent years – when he developed Sanpaku eyes (三白眼), short and sparse eyebrows, and a pair of bat ears (兜风耳). On the day he was arrested – he had bulging cheekbones, dull and lifeless eyes, short and thinly scattered eyebrows. Now, if read from a Metaphysics angle: Lifeless Sanpaku eyes convey a lack of soul, an unsound mind and the inability to judge properly. Bulging cheekbones show a lack of self-esteem and confusion. Thick lips suggest an emotional temperament and poor fortune. Bat ears imply one who does not follow the rules. After reading his face and Bazi, there was only one word to describe him – CONFUSED. Furthermore, the date of the Metro Attack clashed with Chen Chieh’s Bazi; causing him to become emotionally unstable, which ultimately led to that unfortunate incident. What if you have the same or similar Bazi as Cheng Chieh? What can you do to avoid bad luck? According to Nancy, migrating to appropriate countries will help to reduce the bad effects and improve your fortune. 你是否知道,透过一个人的面相与八字,可以推测出他是不是一个坏人? 今天,玄学家Nancy就以台北捷运随机杀人事件中的凶手郑捷为例,为我们讲解坏人的面相。 透过郑捷三张摄于不同时期的照片,我们做出以下的比较: 儿时的郑捷 – 面带笑容,脸颊有肉,就跟普通小孩没有什么分别。 高中时期的郑捷 – 长着一对三白眼、眉毛短疏、兜风耳。 被捕当天的郑捷 – 腮骨外露、双眼无神、眉毛散乱。 从面相学来看,这代表着什么呢? 双眼无神 – 没有灵魂、不清醒、判断能力弱 脸颊无肉 – 意味着此人没有自尊、思想混乱 嘴唇丰厚 – 将感情看得很重,运势也很差 兜风耳 – 一般上不按排理出牌 如果我们将郑捷整体面相再配合上他的八字,就只有一个字可以形容他:乱。 再加上事发当天日正巧与郑捷八字相冲,造成他的情绪极度不稳定,并失去判断力,才铸成大错。 如果您发现本身的八字跟郑捷非常相似,那该怎么办?Nancy建议可以移民到适当的国家。这样一来,就可以将不好的效应减低,从而改善本身的运程。 traffic.libsyn/melody/Metaphysics_20140909.mp3
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:34:06 +0000

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