Do You Need a University Degree to Be President? Government - TopicsExpress


Do You Need a University Degree to Be President? Government today is very complex. This complexity makes it necessary that anyone hoping to lead a government may not be more dumb than the members of their government and advisers. The US has changed since those days when little academic education was enough to be US President. Now, the unofficial rule is that you need to have an Ivy League education or you are not serious about aspiring to the Presidency.The Ivy League requirement has even shrunk to the top tier of the Ivy League with Harvard and Yale. Obamas Harvard degree was not gained just bcs he wanted Harvard. In England,a requirement for the Prime Ministership is education at Oxford,Cambridge or a similar level school in the UK outside England.Current PM David Cameron has a First Class from Oxford.England has moved on from the days of John Major, a man born in 1943 and who is now 71.He was Prime Minister of England in the late 20th century- 1990 to 1997. All these educational achievements ate pursued with high office in mind, keeping in mind the conventions of the environment.The Bill Gates example wont hold here in Uganda.It ended with Amin.Bill Gates is one of those human beings with exceptional intellectual abilities. He was at Harvard but left because he had an idea he wanted to pursue and did so successfully.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 18:03:53 +0000

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