Do You Think Eating Just a Little Gluten isnt a big deal when you - TopicsExpress


Do You Think Eating Just a Little Gluten isnt a big deal when you have auto immune issues? Check out this quote... The studies on gluten suggest that for every 5 years that a person with an auto immune disease continues to eat gluten, they will develop ANOTHER auto immune disease. This was something that Dr Kharrazian has talked about at many of the trainings I have completed, and again at this past weekends Mastering Brain Chemistry seminar. And this is not opinion either. He pulled up slide after slide of research articles from well respected journals supporting this position. I have had some people send me messages saying How can this be?! I thought the Bible said that bread was the staff of life?! The thing is, the wheat gluten in that bread was drastically different than todays hybridized, deamidated version that has been crafted to go through machinery more easily, and have higher amounts of substances that create addiction to the food by stimulating opiate receptors in the brain. Ever wonder why McDonalds calls it a Happy Meal? That gluten (which they coat their fries with), does actually affect your moods by stimulating those drug receptors! Worse yet, this new form of wheat now looks a lot like our own body tissues, which is called molecular mimicry. The immune system can now get confused and start destroying thyroid, brain, gut, joint, muscle, etc, all thanks to gluten being eaten by a susceptible person. I mention this now because so often I see peoples posts that going gluten free is too hard, or they went through withdrawals, or its too much to learn, or that they think it is overblown and that enjoying a little gluten treat occasionally is not a big deal. It is a HUGE deal... just one bite in a person who has auto immunity, Celiac, or gluten sensitivity can flare up an auto immune attack for even up to 6 months. Is that one bite of cake worth several weeks or even 6 months of destruction? I know its not for me. And I have to ask you...what is harder? Cutting out a food that could be ruining your health, or dealing with another auto immune disease, or a flare up of the one you already have? Is that muffin worth the brain fog, or the fatigue, or body aches? I know it is not for me, how about you? So I share this information so you can have the brutally honest truth about gluten. Its not what any of us WANT to and burritos are my favorite foods... but this is the fact about gluten. Read peoples posts, and you will see many people talking about having 2, 3, 4 or even more auto immune conditions. This is why I try to get patients to run the Cyrex Array 5 multiple auto immune screen. This tests for antibodies for MS, lupus, hashimotos, graves, RA, myasthenia gravis, and antibodies against the pancreas, brain, ovaries, testes, adrenals, heart, muscles. If the person has antibodies against one of these tissues and keeps eating gluten, then they mark those tissues for DESTRUCTION with EVERY BITE they take in....EVERY TIME they eat it. So again, I want all of you to know the facts about just how bad this can be for you if you have Celiac or a sensitivity or an auto immune disease. If you do, do not waste time thinking about going gluten free. Each day that you wait or that you cheat is another day that you could be destroying some key tissues in your body and possibly triggering a new auto immune disease. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me, and be sure to follow my at facebook/thyroidinfo or on twitter @drkirkgair
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 00:11:35 +0000

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