Do You Think You Could You Do A Better Job Than Your Manager? - - TopicsExpress


Do You Think You Could You Do A Better Job Than Your Manager? - By Amy Rees Anderson According to an international poll recently conducted by Monster, an overwhelming majority of people believe that they could do a better job than their manager. When asked the question, “In your current or most recent job, do you think you could do a better job than your manager?” over 4,800 responded, and 84% of them said, “Yes!” The following results reflect the percentage of respondents who believe they could do a better job than their managers by country: France: 72% Netherlands: 74% Germany 83% U.S. 84% India 87% The results of this poll clearly indicate that many people in the workforce today don’t have respect their boss. Mary Ellen Slayter, Career Advice Expert for Monster suggests, “If you don’t respect your boss, it’s time to start exploring your options for making a move. Perhaps you would like a lateral move, as you could be a valuable asset to another workplace, working under someone you find more inspiring. Or, if you’re feeling ambitious, maybe it’s time to start thinking about becoming the boss yourself.” I believe the bigger question is this – If so many people believe they are better than their boss, then how did so many bad bosses get appointed to their positions? Let’s explore some of the common mistakes that companies make when choosing who to promote into management positions: Promoting a top performer into the manager position. After all, isn’t that the natural best step for someone who has proven themselves to be a top performer? No. In fact it is often the beginning of the end for that top performer when they receive that promotion to the management position. The skills to be a great manager are often quite different than the skills required to be a top performer. Promoting a person based on seniority. While the years of dedication to the company speak highly of a person’s loyalty, the number of years in a company does not automatically equate to having other necessary leadership skills required to be a great boss. Promoting a person based on flattery or face time with executives. Charm and charisma are not the only skills needed to be a great leader, and often times a person who spends their time trying to suck up to the boss is self-interested and that characteristic is the last one you want in a future leader of your organization. You want someone who is focused on making the entire company a success, rather than someone who is focused on their individual success. Promoting a person based on a stellar resume or academic credentials. Some of the worst leaders are the people with the most initials following their name. While education is a fabulous thing, too much education can stifle a person’s ability to get creative and think outside of the box. So, who then are the right people to promote into leadership positions? Dee Hock, founding CEO of Visa V International recommends that companies do the following: “Hire and promote first on the basis of integrity; second, motivation; third, capacity; fourth, understanding; fifth, knowledge; and last and least, experience.” I couldn’t agree more. As a former CEO myself with the requirement to cultivate and select amazing leaders, I can tell you that the most successful managers in my own organization were the leaders with integrity, vision, passion, courage, respect, judgement, empathy, and emotional intelligence. Each of those qualities are identified by getting to know a person’s character; not by looking at job performance, education level, or years of experience. Spend adequate time getting to know your people’s character. Observe their interactions with their co-workers. Are they honest in their dealings with others? Do they respect, uplift and encourage their co-workers, even when it’s a co-worker who cannot help them get ahead? Do they take feedback and criticism well and do they implement the changes suggested for improvement? Do they help others to excel? If the answer to those questions is yes then you might just have identified a fantastic leader for your organization. I believe it is imperative for companies to be developing leaders at every level of their organization, from the receptionist to the executive team. CEO’s should allow their employees to learn each aspect of their organization, even if something doesn’t apply to their current day-to-day duties. CEOs should give employees the opportunity to cross train and to attend professional development classes. At the end of the day, the only way to find great leaders is to cultivate them early and ongoing, and that has to start with the top. If CEOs have selected bad leaders in the past, fix it. Clean your leadership house by removing those leaders who don’t have the right qualities and replace them with those who do. As painful as change may be in the moment, nothing is more painful than the damage that gets done by allowing poor leaders to continue leading your company. Then move forward in finding and selecting new leaders that will motivate and inspire your people to greatness!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 06:02:15 +0000

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