Do the Ukrainian people actually understand what could be in store - TopicsExpress


Do the Ukrainian people actually understand what could be in store for them if they accept the US/EU package? Obama will ask Congress to approve $1 billion in loan guarantees and other assistance to help the new government in Ukraine, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said. The loans will be part of a larger international aid package coordinated by the U.S. and European allies, and distributed largely through the International Monetary Fund. The money is needed to close a gaping budget hole left when the Ukraine opposition deposed President Viktor Yanukovich and rejected a loan package from Moscow. Experts say the new government needs roughly $20 billion to fill the gap in the current fiscal year. Lew said the US and its partners will work to “provide as much support as Ukraine needs to restore financial stability and return to economic growth, if the new government implements the necessary reforms.” The first phase of support will be $1 billion although only $200 million would be needed initially according to congressional sources. [Only $200m? - So who is going to pay the $1.5billion in gas arrears?] The proposed package will require compliance with advice and consulting from US agencies in order to help the new government conduct elections, develop strong media and other civil institutions, fight corruption and recover stolen assets. The White House also said it hopes to build support for additional funding for the IMF, something Republicans in the House have opposed. Lew said that the backing would help the fund “lend additional resources to Ukraine, while also helping to preserve continued US leadership within this important institution.” Los Angeles Times latimes/world/worldnow/la-wn-obama-ukraine-aid-20140304,0,4545021.story#ixzz2vHFH9Ty7 ================= Let me rewrite for the sake of clarity. The proposed package will only be forthcoming if the following demands are met: 1. Ukraine gov will operate under guidance from US installed NGOs. 2. Ukraine gov will follow US formula for winning elections, bearing in mind each US election costs around $6billion. 3. Ukraine gov will use US media expertise to promote with US approval the carefully selected group of MPs. 4. Ukraine gov will issue contracts to US companies to take over civil institutions, utilities, environment and food production (i.e. handing over to GM giant Monsanto the largest and most revered farmland in Europe). 5. Ukraine will allow the CIA to maintain all security procedures and access to data in order to help fight corruption, recover stolen assets and keep a watchful eye on the region. 6. Ukraine gov will allow the US to preserve continued US leadership within the governance of Ukraine. 7. The US presence in Ukraine will create friction between Kiev and Crimea for many years to come as the US works towards taking over Crimea in order to install a NATO base. Aggression will continue and Ukraines relationship with Russia will continue to deteriorate. 8. Russia will probably refuse to provide gas at discounted prices or may even cut off supplies altogether in return for the sanctions imposed on Russia by the US and EU. This could lead to member states of the EU forever blaming Ukraine for the damaging economic circumstances, particularly Germany.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:15:21 +0000

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