Do you DISAGREE with any (or all) of these - TopicsExpress


Do you DISAGREE with any (or all) of these statements? *Lightening strikes the same places over and over and over again. *The average person eats something like 0.1 spiders in their lifetime. *Einstein was excellent at math as a student. He was taking and teaching higher level math before most kids were learning long division. He mastered calculus at 15. *Hair does not grow faster or thicker due to shaving. *In todays US dress size measurement, Marilyn Monroe was a size 2-4. *Police Officers are not legally required to speak the truth to citizens in the US, Europe, Australia, Canada or New Zealand. *People did not believe the Earth was flat in the Middle ages. *The Great Wall of China is not visible from space with the naked eye. *In the Middle ages, the average life expectancy of a 3yo was close to 60. *There is no part of your tongue that cannot taste certain flavours. *Eating before swimming does not give you cramps. *Our brain does not have any large unused areas. *The Library of Alexandria was not destroyed by the Muslim Army in 641 *Columbus never reached any part of mainland US.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 03:21:46 +0000

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