Do you all know how TOXIC your environment is? You are bombarded - TopicsExpress


Do you all know how TOXIC your environment is? You are bombarded with toxins everyday in your food, medications, home, office, school, and outside. Young Living can help you replace many of these harmful substances with non-toxic ones. I clean my home with these products and not a bunch of chemicals. I eat differently. I havent used prescription or over the counter medications in years! I used to take bags fulls every year. If you have health problems like I did and are seeking answers let me know! I was literally dying! I made many changes and am feeling better than I have in a long time! I want to help you live like God intended you to live. Its time for all of us to take control of our own health! There are alternatives to medications, cleaning supplies, processed foods, etc. If you want to be happy and healthy you will have to do something about it. You have to WANT to change! If you have questions or want to discuss this, let me know. I dont have all the answers, but I have MANY resources. The purpose of this is not to diagnose, treat, or cure anyone, but to inform you of alternatives. Plants and essential oils have not only been around for thousands of years, but have helped men (and animals) for thousands of years! Many of the chemicals and pharmaceuticals are new. They are man made, not God created. I trust Gods creation more than mans. Men make mistakes, God does not. God created you, and YOU, my friend, are NOT a mistake. Take care of yourself and those you love! Invest in your health and that of your family. I promise, it WILL make a difference! It has for me! My husband and I have used many of the Young Living products on ourselves, our kids, and our pets, all with great success! Even our medical doctor agrees they work. We were so excited to find a doctor who was open to letting us use Young Living instead of pharmaceuticals! Praise God!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:58:52 +0000

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