Do you find yourself sometimes living in the world of what might - TopicsExpress


Do you find yourself sometimes living in the world of what might have been? As you reminisce, as you look back with a wistful fondness on bygone days, are you overcome with a sense of loss and regret? Do you lament the lost spirit of youth? If so, take heart. When you look back on those old times, you not only remember them, you effectively revisit them and re-experience them, you revive the feelings and pathos of that time, and in so doing you reacquaint yourself with the part of your heart which made those experiences possible. And even as you recognize that new challenges, new opportunities, and new adventures lie ahead, and even as you set about to welcome them, you can take comfort in knowing that the part of your heart that lived so vividly in those times of old is still alive in you. So dont despair. You have not lost the spirit of youth. Besides which, there is no such thing anyway. What you call the spirit of youth is actually nothing but the spirit of life, the intrepid spirit of life. This is why your memories pierce your heart so keenly as they do, with such poignancy, sadness, and joy — even today. Are you concerned about living in the past? If so, dont be. Dont let anyone tell you that you must turn your back on what you have been. Embrace the person you once were. Accept that person. For its not by embracing your past that you prevent your growth. Its rather quite the contrary — that by denying it, by suppressing it, that it comes to haunt you and represent a tyranny over you. There is no better way to move forward in your future but than by making your peace with your past. So immerse yourself in it. Reach out with sympathy for the person you have been. Bring all the feelings back to life. And then, once having done so, prepare yourself for one hell of a ride in the days and years to come.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:54:20 +0000

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