Do you hate the person, once you loved, after breakup with them? - TopicsExpress


Do you hate the person, once you loved, after breakup with them? Or did you love someone but now you hate? Well…some of the romantic stories are ended up with hating to each others, so badly. Not only that but also, it may occur some violence upon it. It’s very unfortunate. But of course, it depends on the situation. Anyhow, and at any circumstance, is it really possible to hate the person once you loved so much? Most of the time, when we love someone for real, we may say “I’ll do anything for you”. But the same time we also hope the return love from them. So in this case actually we do not love them. Instead of we love ourselves. We know that, when we love so much for someone, that one also love us in return in that much. If that person, is not doing love so much for us, or cheating on us, that’s the turning point for begin the hating. It’s natural for most of the people. So the point, here is, we love only ourselves. Not for them. That’s why, after they breakup with us, we do hate them. But if we really loved them, even if they left us we don’t hate them and we wish them instead. If you can still stay really calm, when your lover left you or, cheated on you, still it’s a real love. But of course, if they do cheat on you, don’t need to love them more and more. Simply let them go away from your life and Think it’s as a blessing for you. So you don’t need to hate them. Just don’t keep the hard feelings for cheaters. Though above is the physical aspect of love and hate, how this occurs in our brain? The Public Library of Science led by Professor Zeki of the University College London revealed that neurologically, love and hate are similar... Is that amazing? Although emotional opposites, it appears that some of the nervous structures in the brain responsible for hate are the same as those used during feelings of romantic love. Like love, hate is often seemingly irrational and can lead to similar acts of extreme behavior - both heroic and evil. One would think that both love and hate would be entirety driven by the limbic system, as this is the seat of our emotion and intuition. But Professor Zekis work demonstrates that a part of the brain called the putamen is also involved. The putamen sits at the centre of the brain and appears to provide connections between the lower parts of the brain, such as the basal stem, and the upper parts of the brain in the cerebral cortex. The putamen is already known to be involved in the perception of contempt and disgust and may also be part of the motor system involved in movement and action. However, although the circuitry is similar, the way in which it is used for both love and hate is different. One major difference appears to be in the fact that large parts of the cerebral cortex - associated with judgment and reasoning - become de-activated during love, whereas only a small area is deactivated in hate. This may seem surprising since hate can also be an all-consuming passion like love. But in romantic love, the lover is often less critical and judgmental about their partner whereas it is more likely that in the context of hate the hater may want to exercise judgment in calculating moves to harm, injure or otherwise exact revenge. Therefore the rational, cerebral functions stay activated in order to make these decisions. The study also speculated that while the love circuit seems to be programmed for loving just one person, the hate circuit appears to be capable of targeting groups of people based on their race, religion or even the football club they support. The fact that the cerebral brain appears to be less involved in love may give some substance to the saying love is blind. On the other hand, this research suggests that the hate circuit is far more calculating and much more complex.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 02:43:05 +0000

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